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Nerite snail escaping!

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I just got a nerite snail from petco 2 days ago after seeing his shell was chipped so I wanted to help him. He seems to be making a slow escape from my tank 😂. I have a hang off the back filter where he is making his grand escape. I was wondering if I should just let him climb up it or how I can safely move him elsewhere. I know nerite snails can live above water for a week or two but I would be worried he will climb out of the tank and possibly meet one of my cats who would want to bat him around. Also I’ve read putting egg shells in a fish tank would help with the repair of the snails shell. Is this true and how else can I help this little snail.

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I had a similar fear when I got my nerites, and they love climbing to the top of the glass.  Just to be safe, I went to Joann Fabrics (or any hobby store that's by you) and found these little plastic grid thingies in the yarn/needlework sections.  Cut out some space for the knob that controls my filter flow, and then placed a rock I had previously taken out just for extra security when it lays flat.  I dunno if any one of them have actually crawled up that far, but needless to say, they're staying in the tank!


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Sometimes when snails go for a walk it's because there is something in the tank that they don't like. It's important to check that out first. The first thing always is to check paramaters. Nerites aren't as sensitive to paramaters as fish but it can still effect them.  Also make sure they are getting enough food. Some nerites feed exclusively on algae so if there isn't enough algae in the tank they may go look for it. 

Another is tank mates. I have a group of nerites for a long time. I was assured over and over the khuli loaches won't eat them and I got some. They haven't killed any of my nerites, but they did freak one out a ton. The day I added the khulis the snail started going for a walk every single day. Eventually I put it in a different tank and no more walks. 

Lastly, some nerites just like long walks on the beach. Some of them nobody knows why but they like to go for walks. People will try different tanks, pristine water, no tank mates and STILL the snail will go for a walk from time to time. I guess everyone has their brand of odd. 

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On 1/3/2023 at 11:01 PM, Cinnebuns said:

Lastly, some nerites just like long walks on the beach. Some of them nobody knows why but they like to go for walks. People will try different tanks, pristine water, no tank mates and STILL the snail will go for a walk from time to time. I guess everyone has their brand of odd. 

Every nerite I've had they sleep on the side of the tank or the lid. Not a huge sample size, but maybe this is normal nocturnal behavior?

Maybe lowering the water line will keep them in the tank as opposed to trying to get out.

On 1/3/2023 at 11:01 PM, Cinnebuns said:

Sometimes when snails go for a walk it's because there is something in the tank that they don't like. It's important to check that out first. The first thing always is to check paramaters.

100%. Amano shrimp are exactly the same way too. Them sitting in the HoB is a good (tragic) indicator that there's something really wrong.

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On 1/4/2023 at 2:30 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Every nerite I've had they sleep on the side of the tank or the lid. Not a huge sample size, but maybe this is normal nocturnal behavior?

I've had dozens of nerites and have noticed this from time to time but I wouldn't say it's a common occurrence. I might have one of my 8 or 10 that I currently have sleeping like that once a week. So not unusual but also not common. 


On 1/4/2023 at 2:30 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Maybe lowering the water line will keep them in the tank as opposed to trying to get out.

That's possible. I do tend to keep a lower water level because of mystery snail clutches. I do however know that the few times I've had a snail take a walk the water level was lower. Also, all 3 times something was up. First 2 was water quality and last one was khuli loaches. It might help but idk for sure. 

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ive run into this, mostly at my LFS i need to watch my step so i DONT step on one, but when i find  one, they just put it back i the tank

however my personal experiences with nerite snails is if mine wanted to escape it would have done that by now, ive seen mine above the water right by the rim of my tank. Its never escaped though, has gone into my HOB a few times

Edited by Theplatymaster
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Nerites can be adventurous escape artists, so anything that can connect them to the outside world: filters, airlines etc. is an escape route. I have used a thin film of petroleum jelly around the inside rim to keep the snails in. This isn't practical for the HOB, but as of yet, my Nerites never seem interested in going beyond the overflow.  I do use mesh to keep them from vacationing in the UGF.

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