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new glo fish

The endler guy

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I've been ambivalent about golfish. Now that I know they have glofish cories..... I think I'm going to get some (thanks for the heads up!). They honestly sound awesome, and I'd be super curious to see if they can be bred. Yeah, I know they are technically sterile...... but I think most reading this have seen jurassic park, so......

Edited by Expectorating_Aubergine
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On 12/20/2022 at 5:53 PM, Expectorating_Aubergine said:

Yeah, I know they are technically sterile......

I really think that's a myth. My local big box had some of the tetras that accidentally bred in their tank and they weren't allowed to sell them as they aren't licensed to breed them, or however that works. If you do breed yours you'll have to be very careful with how you get rid of extras.

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They are illegal in the UK as y are genetically modified,

The Glo fish in the store hasn't been treated badly but you do wonder what the lab that develops each new strain is like and what are the loss rates in the early stages but they are 1000 times better than dyeing or tattooing fish. (Also illegal in the UK under animal cruelty). 

It's also interesting to see something that was just done for industrial use  back in the late 80 early 90's if memory serves me correctly (again cleaner and better than using dyes) has grown into this for the pet world.  People must like them. I can't comment till I see one in the flesh.

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On 12/20/2022 at 11:56 PM, Cinnebuns said:

Apparently petco is discontinuing the globetta. It's not selling well. 

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Walked into petsmart this week. Kid you not. 50 bettas, each cup had a spotlight 2-3 inches from the top of the cup. I could only imagine....  Facing the display is about ~30 bettas, to the right is 15-20 plants and or / small betta cups. to the left is about 20-30 globettas.

Not my picture, but gives you an idea.

r/Aquariums - A petsmart near me decided to update their betta display so they can put their bettas in tiny cups with STYLE. I hate marketing.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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On 12/21/2022 at 12:56 AM, Cinnebuns said:

Apparently petco is discontinuing the globetta. It's not selling well. 

And yes, you can breed them as you can't stop mother nature but you cannot sell what you breed. 

Globetta seems like a weird one. I get glo tetras but regular bettas just look so much better than the glo varieties

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On 12/21/2022 at 5:51 AM, Pepere said:

But tell us how you really feel Aiden…

I am guessing you would not be opposed to fluorescing fish if they were naturally occurring as opposed to genetically modified.

My biggest beef with the glo fish company is how they market the fish and care recommendations they give ie tank size number of inhabitants etc…

Glo fish must certainly have an appeal to the fish buying public or there would not be a profit motive to continue…

I will confess to having bought some Glo Fish White Skirt Tetras.  I have 2) 3 1/2 year old grandsons and these will be going in a 20 high tank at floor level in my bedroom.

The grandsons like to come visit in my bedroom and see my fish, and I have a toybox in my bedroom with special Pepere toys they only play with here…

I suspect they will enjoy looking up from their play to watch the glo fish.  I even bought an additional rim mounted blue light to increase illumination and flourescence of their sides…

I have not followed Glo Fish recommendations on tank sizing etc… and I have not purchased any glo decor. The tank they will go in is heavily planted.

I cant understand the appeal of Glo Bettas at all.  Natural Bettas look so much better.

Honestly Glo Bettas look rather sickly anemic in the store.

I am also on the fence regarding glo cories.

the Grandsons also will have 2 29 gallon tanks with non modified fish to enjoy.  They love watching the kuhli loaches and the Corydoras playing…


I’m fine with the actual fish, but the ethics behind the company. YOU CAN NOT PATENT A LIVING ANIMAL! Also a side thing that they can’t really control, is that evince they are so colorful they attract people that don’t really give a damb about the fishes well being

I also just don’t like the look of glo fish (but that pure black eye on the serpes and the cories look kinda nice) purely a personal thing I also at not a fan of albino fish they are just so plain

Also I think the story behind glo zebra danios is very sweat and important to furthering the environment 

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In just waiting for glo fish to make an expert level fish like discus and that will be unfortunate for the fish

On 12/20/2022 at 6:53 PM, Expectorating_Aubergine said:

I've been ambivalent about golfish. Now that I know they have glofish cories..... I think I'm going to get some (thanks for the heads up!). They honestly sound awesome, and I'd be super curious to see if they can be bred. Yeah, I know they are technically sterile...... but I think most reading this have seen jurassic park, so......

Carful with breeding as if you sell the eggs it is illegal, I do think the glo Cory’s look decent though (personally prefer regular Cory’s though)

On 12/21/2022 at 2:48 AM, Flumpweesel said:

They are illegal in the UK as y are genetically modified,

The Glo fish in the store hasn't been treated badly but you do wonder what the lab that develops each new strain is like and what are the loss rates in the early stages but they are 1000 times better than dyeing or tattooing fish. (Also illegal in the UK under animal cruelty). 

It's also interesting to see something that was just done for industrial use  back in the late 80 early 90's if memory serves me correctly (again cleaner and better than using dyes) has grown into this for the pet world.  People must like them. I can't comment till I see one in the flesh.

Definitely better then the alternate of dyeing fish

On 12/20/2022 at 9:31 PM, Biotope Biologist said:

They are not sterile. They are illegal to breed and sell due to patenting. Don’t ask me how you can patent an animal… I’m not sure myself.

That is my main gripe with them

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On 12/21/2022 at 7:39 AM, Pepere said:

So as the Patents expire in 16-20 years, you are ok with them afterwards?

Yah I’m probably ok with them no matter what anyone does people will always keep fish in small bowls, but it also sets a precedent; if you can patent a genetically engineered fish could you patent a genetically engineered crop? How about a dog? Can you bring back an extinct species only to patent it? can you patent a genetically engineered person? 

also it is scummy that they are allowed to be a monopoly and have zero regulations put on them. Even though glo fish have become a invasive species

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On 12/21/2022 at 3:26 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

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Walked into petsmart this week. Kid you not. 50 bettas, each cup had a spotlight 2-3 inches from the top of the cup. I could only imagine....  Facing the display is about ~30 bettas, to the right is 15-20 plants and or / small betta cups. to the left is about 20-30 globettas.

Not my picture, but gives you an idea.

r/Aquariums - A petsmart near me decided to update their betta display so they can put their bettas in tiny cups with STYLE. I hate marketing.

I went to a PetSmart that was discontinuing  their betta shelf, they put the bettas with things like tetras and other suitable fish (1 betta per tank of course!)

On 12/21/2022 at 8:06 AM, Pepere said:

Nope, its not like copyright law…


but any new species of lo fish or if they alter the original can be patented…

It’s also that it seems like they have no concern for the well-being of the fish and it just feels like it is a company that is only in it for the money  

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On 12/21/2022 at 8:09 AM, Pepere said:

It has been done.. Monsanto…


Big case in Canada…. The farmer lost.  It was particularly egregious..


thumbnail sketch, farmer used to save seed from last crop to replant in spring.  He was surrounded by gmo crops…


his seed started having dna from the gmo crops.


Monsanto sued and won…

That’s sad for the farmer


makes me wonder, for example the glo Cory’s what if they breed with regular Cory’s are they controlled by glo fish? What if you have a generation 10 Cory have pure genetics except the original parent Cory was a glo Cory, are they still under glo fish regulation?

Now I’m all for gmo but they should be treated as a new organism 

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On 12/21/2022 at 8:21 AM, Pepere said:

Glo fish have been found reproducing in the wild…  and yep, you cant sell them…


and if the glo trait turns out to be recessive, and they breed with non gmo yet pass their genes, and tou eventually have a male and a female in your tank both having recessive genes… you could end up with fluorescing fish fry.


not illegal to have, but you cant sell or give away…


In my opinion patent law in regards to GMOs is subject to change and reinterpretation.  Ie the repercussions may well change the law…

Now that you mention it florescent fry would be pretty cool!

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I'm not overly concerned about the whole "illegal to reproduce" issue. Unless you're making serious coin off breeding and selling patented organisms, you won't really be on their radar. Sure, a handful of people get made examples of (remember napster?), but for the most part they aren't going to care if Joe(ann) Random's fish breed and (s)he sells/gives them away. You see it in plants a lot. You'd be pretty hard pressed to think of a case of a non farmer plant person getting sued by a grower for propagating and giving away plants. Not saying that case doesn't exist, just that they are rare and an exception. 

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Honestly, I kinda like the fish by themselves. It definitely seems like an interesting way to introduce new people to the hobby! My main issue is with the actual company...

The only remotely "nano" fish that would thrive in their tanks would be bettas, and as mentioned above, they were discontinued.

Also, how do you copyright a fish? Can I copyright any fish now? That just seems unfair and difficult to enforce.

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On 12/21/2022 at 11:03 AM, AnotherHumanPerson said:

Honestly, I kinda like the fish by themselves. It definitely seems like an interesting way to introduce new people to the hobby! My main issue is with the actual company...

The only remotely "nano" fish that would thrive in their tanks would be bettas, and as mentioned above, they were discontinued.

Also, how do you copyright a fish? Can I copyright any fish now? That just seems unfair and difficult to enforce.

Same I’m okay with the fish not the company 


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i never had any but i can see how they would  be a way to get kids more interest to get in the  hobby   as a first fish  my first fish  ,, i was a adult it was one common little  goldfish i babysat for my Mom who did not take home after vacation  she refused to take him home 

Edited by Bev C
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On 12/21/2022 at 11:41 AM, Bev C said:

i never had any but i can see how they would  be a way to get kids more interest to get in the  hobby   as a first fish  my first fish  ,, i was a adult it was one common little  goldfish i babysat for my Mom who did not take home after vacation  she refused to take him home 

Definitely are important to introducing people to the hobby and probably better some one get a 2 inch fish in a 1 gallon fish bowl than a 3 ft fish in the same bowl 

On 12/21/2022 at 11:29 AM, Theplatymaster said:

if you can copyright fish, i am copyrighting platies. So no one can sell platies now? that doesnt make much sense at all.

I call endlers!

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 @Aiden Carter  that is what happened to me my Mom brought me the gold fish  to babysit  she had him in a smal goldfish bowl,, When she refused to take him home i bought a tank big enough for him ,, only had him alone . till he died but that  little goldfish started  me  on my fish and aquarium obsession   😂 

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On 12/21/2022 at 12:10 PM, Bev C said:

 @Aiden Carter  that is what happened to me my Mom brought me the gold fish  to babysit  she had him in a smal goldfish bowl,, When she refused to take him home i bought a tank big enough for him ,, only had him alone . till he died but that  little goldfish started  me  on my fish and aquarium obsession   😂 

Everyone has to start somewhere!

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