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Surprise L397 fry! (and some questions)


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On 11/20/2022 at 11:28 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

This is the part where we all wonder what corydoras you have had success keeping previously! 😂

I've only kept Salt-and-Pepper Corys. Those were in a large planted aquarium and they bred on their own (started with 2, ended with2 dozen or so).  I won't claim to have bred them, since they did everything and I wasn't trying to breed them.


On 11/20/2022 at 9:28 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

That would be the best one!

Also Xmas is right round the corner 😏

@TheSwissAquarist Well it will be a few months yet before they are a shippable age.

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On 11/20/2022 at 9:09 AM, tolstoy21 said:

I've only kept Salt-and-Pepper Corys. Those were in a large planted aquarium and they bred on their own (started with 2, ended with2 dozen or so).  I won't claim to have bred them, since they did everything and I wasn't trying to breed them.

Isn't this how you breed corydoras!!!????  You did the water changes right?  😂

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On 11/15/2022 at 8:22 PM, Odd Duck said:

Do you have wood caves for them?  Planetcatfish mentions specifically that they pick wood caves.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

On 11/16/2022 at 12:17 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Considering the things you have gotten to spawn, that's tough to hear!  I would be very intrigued to hear all about the setups you have, especially the L169s!  I have had some stubborn breeders too and I know all the common tips don't always work out.  If you haven't, check out plecoceramics.

missed both of these until now. yes I have tried pretty much everything since their arrival and mostly just let them decide and see what happens. I used planet catfish as the initial guidance so had wood caves drilled like that breeding report and also did a sort of stacked wood cave using many pieces of drift-wood a little silicone and rockwork to make a pleco wood condo of caves within the gaps. I have tried ceramics of all shapes and sizes pleco ceramics options as well as the plecocaves offerings ..... I think they want me to raise more puffers at this point 🙂 

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On 11/16/2022 at 8:24 AM, TOtrees said:


I forgot to mention that I do feed a variety of veg also. French cut beans and zucchini for the most part, rarely spinach or broccoli. And also repashy bottom scratcher

The difference between the 397‘s and my overstocked growout bristlenose tank in terms of how fast they go through zucchini is striking. My 4 397‘s will absolutely demolish a cube of lightly blanched zucchini overnight, whereas a few dozen 1” bns will barely eat half as much in the same time. 

May I ask, what do you feed the 397s the most? Or is the list above in that order already?

Mine will only eat the skin off the zuc but they are pigs that is for sure. My L204 will demolish the meat of the zuc and if i put both of them together the l204 eat the meat while the L397 eat the skins 😉


On 11/16/2022 at 8:02 AM, tolstoy21 said:


I feed Repashy Soilent Green (and Bottom Scratcher, but just occasionally), french cut green beans, zucchini, cucumber, sweet potato, and occasionally frozen brine shrimp. 

I also sometimes sprinkle BacterAE in there to promote biofilm growth. Probably not necessary, but I have some on-hand for my shrimp tanks so I figured why not?

I didn't do any specific conditioning food-wise for this colony since I didn't think they were old enough to breed yet.

Good luck!

What i do is mix soilent green with igaloo something like 4 to 4.5 part soilent with the rest igloo explorer so the cubes have the two mixed together. I don't actually make two different cubes.

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On 11/23/2022 at 1:49 PM, tolstoy21 said:

@anewbie Funny, my adult L397s seem to prefer zucchini and cucumber flesh over the skin. I usually keep Igapo Explorer on hand (have some in the mail coming to me as we speak), but never thought of mixing it with Soilent Green nor feeding it to plecos. Might have to try that.

I think most just ignore the skin for me (when I was trying blanched veggies.  The skin is just the thing that holds it together so they can tear it off. 

Definitely try mixing.  Question though, how did your corydoras like Igapo?  I have been wanting to get some to try with mine.

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On 11/23/2022 at 1:31 PM, mountaintoppufferkeeper said:

I used planet catfish as the initial guidance so had wood caves drilled like that breeding report and also did a sort of stacked wood cave using many pieces of drift-wood a little silicone and rockwork to make a pleco wood condo of caves within the gaps. I have tried ceramics of all shapes and sizes pleco ceramics options as well as the plecocaves offerings ..... I think they want me to raise more puffers at this point 🙂 

Yeah, the ones I have are rectangular from plecocaves.  I didn't know about plecoceramics until recently.  I did see some people use ceramic logs, potentially that works too?  Get a piece of mopani or malaysian driftwood and some 1-1.5" hole saws.  Might be exactly what you needed. 

Oh i definitely think they want more puffers! But you'll get a spawn.  Best of luck, keep trying!

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On 11/23/2022 at 5:14 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Definitely try mixing.  Question though, how did your corydoras like Igapo?  I have been wanting to get some to try with mine.

Alas, don't have any more cories. I re-homed them to someone locally.  One of these days I would like some panda cories.

My only display tank at the moment has 2 Oscars in it, so  . . . . . . . no tank mates.

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@mountaintoppufferkeeperOK, you’re clearly at the point where you need to ignore them completely.  That’s a near guarantee that they will then breed when you’ve barely fed them any extra enrichment, didn’t get around to a water change for a while, and haven’t tested the tank in 3 months so you have no idea what your parameters were that triggered the spawn.  Works nearly every time after you’ve given up.  😉 😂 🤣 

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