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Tank size for breeding small L numbers


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I am having some 60x30x33cm (60 Liter or almost 16 gallon) tanks empty and I am wondering if that would be too small to breed some of the smaller L number place's like L260, 333, 046 etc. Most people seem to breed them in 40 gallons and up but I don't have those tanks available nor the space. Is this do-able or am I better off using them to spawn Corys or Apisto's for instance. I'd really like to try to spawn L numbers though.

Thanks for the wisdom all!


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My Super Reds breed in my ten-gallon tank, so you should be able to do it.  A smaller tank can make it easier to give them the current they crave also. By the way, I didn't plan on them spawning there, they just did it on their own. Stopping them from spawning is more of an issue than getting them to spawn. If you want to try and spawn the L  number plecos, give it a shot. Give them good water, good food, the right conditions, and they'll likely spawn.

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Way too many! They were moved here as fry to avoid overcrowding and have grown up in the ten. There are currently four full sized adults, about twenty-ish midsize young adults from their first spawn and maybe another twenty smaller fry from their second spawn. There are also a few smaller younger surviving fry from a more recent spawn. Yeah, all in a ten-gallon tank. Suffice to say I've had to up the filtration substantially. And they're still spawning. To say Super Reds are prolific is an understatement.  

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On 11/4/2022 at 9:13 AM, Ruud said:

I am having some 60x30x33cm (60 Liter or almost 16 gallon) tanks empty and I am wondering if that would be too small to breed some of the smaller L number place's like L260, 333, 046 etc. Most people seem to breed them in 40 gallons and up but I don't have those tanks available nor the space. Is this do-able or am I better off using them to spawn Corys or Apisto's for instance. I'd really like to try to spawn L numbers though.

Thanks for the wisdom all!


Plecos are so cool (especially the l numbers!) I wish I had one

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On 11/5/2022 at 6:08 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

A fellow fish friend has bred L134s (love them!) in the equivalent of a 54 gal...

Keep us posted on how it goes @Ruud

20 years ago I had L134 and L260 - both prob my favorite L numbers but back then they were about 25 to 30 euro each. Now L134 are very pricey if you can find them. Your friend, does he ship to spain?? 😄

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I think it depends on the species - bn pleco might be tight as they breed like rabbits; But zebra pleco are smaller and IF successful you might be lucky to get 12 fry per littler.

Still for overall water quality it is definitely on the smaller side unless you are diligent on doing regular larger water changes. My lemon blue eye pleco breed in my 40B (about 3 times larger) community tank; and my general view is I'm looking for a reliable contraceptive for that pair. I have 8 L204 and i'll probably put some real effort into breeding them after i move but I think i'll want something at least as larger as a 20 long. The males are a bit territorial and sometime they get a bit grumpy.

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10-20 g work it’s just all the Hypancistrus have very meaty diets so filtration and water quality will be of utmost priority. With the upfront costs of buying them and their food needs on the more expensive side I think a lot of breeders go big for the stability of the water quality and to protect their investment. A 40 breeder can handle the swings you get with heavy feeding of high protein foods. I’d have a very strict water change regimen to start like every other day and then settle in to 2-3 x a week. I’d go bare bottom. Make the openings of your pleco condos big enough to easily vacuum. Best of luck!!

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I think there are some great suggestions above although i would add sand and rather make a diy bottle trap. I was also wondering if you could hook them up to each other as you say you have several, regarding the question with water params above.

With the sand I meant for added water stability and some have said that plecos can be sensitive to bacteria that grows on the bottom glass.

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Thanks for all the input so just to be sure to not confuse gallons and liters. I am talking about 60 liters or approx 16 gallons which is perhaps not ideal but still quite a bit bigger than a 10 gallon. It would be bare bottom indeed for ease of cleaning and well filtrated to house a small colony of small L numbers. Maybe a group of 5 to 6 species depending on what I can find. 

Thanks for all the input, some great suggestions here!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello there I have a couple groups of L#'s. I have a group of L046 growing out in a 10 gallon. I have a group of L134's in a 40 breeder. I have a group of L236 RB in a 29. To be completely honest a 15 in my opinion is a bit small for 6 of any Lnumber pleco. They do get quite territorial I'm having issusse with my L046's and they are a bit bigger then 2 inches. i would try and get a tank with a bit more tank floor space. if you can get a sexed pair or a throuple you might be okay in your 15 gallon tank! Goood Luck just make sure you have space for more when the L Fever hits you haha.


Im FishyMike on youtube  

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On planet catfish a reputable member had a 15 gallon with a group of 5-6 adults clown plecos (panaqolus maccus) and many fry as well as 4-5 wabenmusters in a 15 gal and had no issues. A group of smaller Ancistrus or Hypancistrus should work as well as long as you have extra filtration and are diligent with water changes. I have a group of 5 l471s in a standard 20 gal and they've spawned a few times. IMO you can get away with a group of 5-6 l129, l340, l471 or l280 and to be on the safer side 4-5 l260 and l046.

Edited by sebdeserio
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  • 2 months later...
On 12/1/2022 at 2:58 PM, sebdeserio said:

On planet catfish a reputable member had a 15 gallon with a group of 5-6 adults clown plecos (panaqolus maccus) and many fry as well as 4-5 wabenmusters in a 15 gal and had no issues. A group of smaller Ancistrus or Hypancistrus should work as well as long as you have extra filtration and are diligent with water changes. I have a group of 5 l471s in a standard 20 gal and they've spawned a few times. IMO you can get away with a group of 5-6 l129, l340, l471 or l280 and to be on the safer side 4-5 l260 and l046.

I currently have 7 "teenager" clown plecos in a 20L growing out with Sterbais. Was considering moving the plecos to a 15gal. With your advice I am now committed to the move! And will thin them out once I see which to keep as breeders. Thanks!! 

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On 2/25/2023 at 9:54 PM, Dtolb15 said:

I currently have 7 "teenager" clown plecos in a 20L growing out with Sterbais. Was considering moving the plecos to a 15gal. With your advice I am now committed to the move! And will thin them out once I see which to keep as breeders. Thanks!! 

No problem! This is the thread I was talking about should give you some useful info: https://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=41320

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