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Product that doesn’t exist that you want


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I saw a post like this but for school I am doing a passion project and I couldn’t think of one. But I just thought that I could make an aquarium product. I like making stuff but I can’t think of what I could invent and I love aquariums so I am going to ask you people. I don’t know any something with a lot of coding but something fairly simple I could do for it. I will send updates on how it’s going also. Thanks!

Edit: I also don’t want to make something that already exist. Unless it exist but it doesn’t have a good execution.

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I’d love to see a clear HOB hydroponic kit.

Option #1 Think … AquaClear HOB, but instead of pouring tank water right back, it offloads it to the side into a long tray full of bio media that hangs along the back, and empties out at the opposite end of the aquarium. Plants can be planted in the media, and voila! Instant hydroponics setup. Add a growing light to it as well.

Option #2 Use a powerhead > PVC uplift  to similar tray. Possibly build a gentle “spraybar” drip return. 

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On 10/28/2022 at 9:07 AM, Fish Folk said:

I’d love to see a clear HOB hydroponic kit.

Option #1 Think … AquaClear HOB, but instead of pouring tank water right back, it offloads it to the side into a long tray full of bio media that hangs along the back, and empties out at the opposite end of the aquarium. Plants can be planted in the media, and voila! Instant hydroponics setup. Add a growing light to it as well.

Option #2 Use a powerhead > PVC uplift  to similar tray. Possibly build a gentle “spraybar” drip return. 

I love the ideas. For option 1 would the water end up going back into the tank? Thanks!

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On 10/28/2022 at 12:24 PM, Caidenh24 said:

I love the ideas. For option 1 would the water end up going back into the tank? Thanks!

Yes. Think of a hang on back filter, but very long — extended across the whole tank back. Water is drawn up via a typical impeller system, but returned on the far side after passing through fine bio media. Water and heavily stocked tank provides nitrates for plants.

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On 10/28/2022 at 12:29 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Don’t wanna burst anyone’s bubble here, but they already make that. A 10 gallon aquaponics tank is what got me into the hobby. Only chiming in as OP said they wanted to invent something that didn’t already exist, but if you’re looking to improve upon something already existing go for it!


Yeah … I’ve seen these before. This one yours? Is water pumped in and through as filtration? This looks like it has a sponge. Are plant roots just extended into aquarium? 

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At some point I'm going to add a rain system to the underside of one of my lids. Very simple with just a pump from the tank to tubing with holes on the underside of the lid so I can make it rain. No real practical purpose except for the effect and maybe a tad bit more 'nature' simulation for the fishies. Also might make it smart so I can either control it from an app or the rain coincides with the actual outside rain (although I live around seattle so that might be a lot of rainy days during the cooler months...). 

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This probably exists somewhere already, but I'm thinking of a aquaponic table/bench. Have a fairly big window in my room with nothing in front of it, the idea being a raised platform with a small pond built into it where I can also grow different sort of plants. Think of a windowsill planter but with a pond in it. I think that would be pretty cool, will build it someday, but still on the drawing table for now.

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On 10/28/2022 at 9:26 AM, Fish Folk said:

Yes. Think of a hang on back filter, but very long — extended across the whole tank back. Water is drawn up via a typical impeller system, but returned on the far side after passing through fine bio media. Water and heavily stocked tank provides nitrates for plants.

Sweet thanks I will definitely look into that.

On 10/28/2022 at 9:29 AM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Don’t wanna burst anyone’s bubble here, but they already make that. A 10 gallon aquaponics tank is what got me into the hobby. Only chiming in as OP said they wanted to invent something that didn’t already exist, but if you’re looking to improve upon something already existing go for it!


Thanks for info. 🙂

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On 10/28/2022 at 9:07 AM, Fish Folk said:

I’d love to see a clear HOB hydroponic kit.

Option #1 Think … AquaClear HOB, but instead of pouring tank water right back, it offloads it to the side into a long tray full of bio media that hangs along the back, and empties out at the opposite end of the aquarium. Plants can be planted in the media, and voila! Instant hydroponics setup. Add a growing light to it as well.

Option #2 Use a powerhead > PVC uplift  to similar tray. Possibly build a gentle “spraybar” drip return. 

How many inches of bio media is optimal for growing plants this way? Thanks!

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On 10/28/2022 at 12:07 PM, Fish Folk said:

Option #1 Think … AquaClear HOB, but instead of pouring tank water right back, it offloads it to the side into a long tray full of bio media that hangs along the back, and empties out at the opposite end of the aquarium. Plants can be planted in the media, and voila! Instant hydroponics setup. Add a growing light to it as well.

This would be fabulous 

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On 10/28/2022 at 11:22 AM, Fish Folk said:

I’m imagining a pretty deep tray… 4-6 inches, line the typical backside to a large HOB. Bio media very fine.

You’re taking about like the bio media balls right? Here is a model of it.

F45D58F3-A098-4059-AB5C-EF27B5EBE1E7.jpegJust imagine it the whole length of the tank. I have a filter that doesn’t work that I will use to do the prototype. 

Edited by Caidenh24
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On 10/28/2022 at 10:32 AM, Fish Folk said:

Yeah … I’ve seen these before. This one yours? Is water pumped in and through as filtration? This looks like it has a sponge. Are plant roots just extended into aquarium? 

Yes, this is mine. 

There is a pump that’s hidden by the moss. Then there is a piece of tubing that connects the pump to the flood tray. Pump turns on for 15 minutes every 2 hours, and floods the black plastic tray that has hydroton and the veggies/herbs/peppers/ etc. There is a drain on each side that dumps back into the tank. 

I have the sponge filter cuz if I’m gonna run an air stone I might as well run a sponge. 

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On 10/28/2022 at 2:23 PM, Caidenh24 said:

You’re taking about like the bio media balls right? Here is a model of it.

F45D58F3-A098-4059-AB5C-EF27B5EBE1E7.jpegJust imagine it the whole length of the tank. I have a filter that doesn’t work that I will use to do the prototype. 

Yes, that’s along the lines of what I was envisioning…

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Totally different response, with a much smaller scale. Any of you have the problem where the generously-sized prefilter that fits on the uplift or return of your hob filter causes the bottom of the uplift to be pushed away from the rear wall of the tank, which affects how the hob sits on the rim? There needs to be an adapter to offset the uplift tube. 

Second suggestion, related to above: If we're all going to agree that prefilters on filter returns are a good idea, and we all also agree that cleaning them is required/necessary, why don't we have parts to change how the prefilter goes on so that it slots on from above, not from below. I've mickey-mouse'd something like this, but a proper part or assembly would be nice:



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I'm setting up a 120 with corner overflows. Chances are I'm gonna have a ton of shrimp and fry sucked into the overflows. My idea is to get the Aquarium Co-Op coarse sponge and cut strips the height and width of the overflow teeth and zip-tie them in place. That'll kind of make it a beast to clean, any better ideas?

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On 10/28/2022 at 2:59 PM, MostlyRock said:

I'm setting up a 120 with corner overflows. Chances are I'm gonna have a ton of shrimp and fry sucked into the overflows. My idea is to get the Aquarium Co-Op coarse sponge and cut strips the height and width of the overflow teeth and zip-tie them in place. That'll kind of make it a beast to clean, any better ideas?

What diameter is your overflow?  Could you just slide an ACO prefilter over it?  Maybe cut it down on length?  Might need to cut slits in the inside to give it a little room if you have extra wide overflows.  Pics of your overflow might help.

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@Odd Duck The overflows are one inch, but the corner overflow boxes don't just have teeth at the top, there are slots at the bottom too. I'd like to keep the baby shrimp and fry out of the overflow boxes. I was thinking of using some background material to cover the back and the overflow boxes, and they could even go over the coarse sponge, but if I zip-tie them in place it'll be a nightmare to clean. I need to figure out some sort of flexible clip that I can embed in the sponge and squeeze it to remove or install the sponges into the overflow box intake slots, then they'll snap back into place and pull the sponge toward the overflow box. 


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I see the problem.  If you use a fairly stiff foam, then you could glue in vertical pieces to create slots at the ends - against the side walls and back walls and separated from the curved walls by slightly less than the thickness of whatever foam you find to use.  Then the foam could slide vertically into place and if you cut it just right, it should be held securely enough.  Make the slots and foam pieces at least an inch taller than the slots at the bottom and it should work reasonably well.  The big problem is the shrimp.  Little, tiny shrimplets are notorious for going through foam that isn’t dense enough.  They can practically dance right through ACO’s coarse foam (pretty much the only problem I’ve found with it).  In a sponge filter that doesn’t matter since the shrimplets can come right out the top.  I use denser foam for the pre-filters in my tanks that have shrimp and have to clean it more often as the trade off.  Or I live with the idea that shrimplets may get, ahem, . . . . taken out, . . . . by impellers if they make it through the coarse pre-filters.

You may have to spend some time hunting for nice dense, fairly stiff foam that will hold itself in place by slots that only hold the ends of the piece.  Of you may have to order several pieces before you find something that’s the right stiffness and density.  Matten filter may be denser than you want but it’s also usually stiff enough to hold itself in place.  I have bought some 1” thickness sold as matten that is not stiff enough to do this but the 2” thickness is stiff enough.  Getting it cut to just the right length would be the next problem since just a shade too long will make the middle of the foam bow out.  A little too short and the ends won’t be in the slots enough to hold unless you make the strips wider to creat the vertical slots.  The bigger you go, the more intrusive it will be into the tank.  It’s all a trade off.

You might be able to fabricate a lever that turns downward over the top edge of the foam to help secure it.  A simple swivel lever with a stand-off the thickness of the foam, but the trick would be to make it of all plastic since even stainless steel will eventually corrode.  A little bit like this, but mounted with the latch vertical and only need one side.  It would need to mount on a cylinder that sticks out horizontally above the sponge so it swivels down to catch the top of the sponge.  I’m probably overthinking the latch.  If you get the foam piece cut right it should be enough.




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1.  A Seachem Tidal that "works" with all the flaws fixed

barring that.....

2.  A HoB style filter where you can change the pump GPH into whatever you need for the tank. You buy the box and swap out the pump, but the rest of it "just works" for anything from a 75G down to a 10G.  Needless to say, you get a lot of media room.

3.  A HoB filter that has the pump at the end instead of the beginning (probably a terribly idea) so that the pump can actually end into a spraybar that you can mount onto the tank instead of a waterfall. 

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