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So the silicone on the filter has been curing for about 30 hours. It says to wait 48 hours before it's ready to go back in the tank. So tomorrow night will be well over the 48 hours and we will get the filter back up and running. I have the media from it and the pre filter sponge sitting on the sponge filters in the tank so there bb will be ready to go. As well looking into some guppy grass for the new killis so they have more areas to hide and hunt in.

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On 8/29/2022 at 7:09 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

How are you doing that?  Why does mine always look like the apocalypse?  Are they keeping it clean for you with their sifting?

Nope, just normal maintenance.  I follow the Rachel O'leary / King of DIY method, I'm totally not sure if that's a thing.  The sand is relatively new so it hasn't had a chance to take in too much junk.  I have two sponges on that tank so it's very easy for the tank to hold muck on the surface of the sand.  I feed red rood on white substrate too, I always see the little bits.  On camera, I think I just got the shutter / Iso and all that setup a certain way where it looks blown out.  But, generally speaking, it's just new.  If you're having issues with mulm / sand just gravel vac it.  If you have issues with the vac in particular or technique I can send you some stuff.


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On 8/29/2022 at 5:55 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Nope, just normal maintenance.  I follow the Rachel O'leary / King of DIY method, I'm totally not sure if that's a thing.  The sand is relatively new so it hasn't had a chance to take in too much junk.  I have two sponges on that tank so it's very easy for the tank to hold muck on the surface of the sand.  I feed red rood on white substrate too, I always see the little bits.  On camera, I think I just got the shutter / Iso and all that setup a certain way where it looks blown out.  But, generally speaking, it's just new.  If you're having issues with mulm / sand just gravel vac it.  If you have issues with the vac in particular or technique I can send you some stuff.


Ah yes, I’ve seen this one. I do vac it sometimes, not every time but when it gets the line.

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On 8/29/2022 at 7:00 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I think @Hobbit has some kind of nifty thing she made or got from Ikea to hang maintenance tools. 

Yeah, my problem is just drips. Drop on the cart, all good to me or the specimen container.  Hmm..... 🤔 Something that fits inside or on a specimen container might be a nice way to add an add-on product that is super useful!  Super cheap to make too.    Python could do so many things to add useful products, it's a weird thing.  So can Marina / Fluval.

The cart stuff, I think we had a cart thread one day, but I have one saved in my amazon list.  It's like the one Jimmy used in his fishroom (all nice and black), but the one I found have some place for little bins and hooks if need be.

On 8/29/2022 at 2:16 PM, TeeJay said:

So the silicone on the filter has been curing for about 30 hours. It says to wait 48 hours before it's ready to go back in the tank. So tomorrow night will be well over the 48 hours and we will get the filter back up and running. I have the media from it and the pre filter sponge sitting on the sponge filters in the tank so there bb will be ready to go. As well looking into some guppy grass for the new killis so they have more areas to hide and hunt in.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.  You're officially test point #2.  Whenever you're "ready" and have some thoughts on the whole process I'd really appreciate the thoughts in that experiment thread!  I am intrigued as to how hidden it looks in the tank when installed. Should make the equipment hide a little bit easier.

I am still trying to figure out how to get this thing to not bypass.  At the point of modding the basket a little bit next.

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On 8/29/2022 at 5:59 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Yeah, my problem is just drips. Drop on the cart, all good to me or the specimen container.  Hmm..... 🤔 Something that fits inside or on a specimen container might be a nice way to add an add-on product that is super useful!  Super cheap to make too.    Python could do so many things to add useful products, it's a weird thing.  So can Marina / Fluval.

The cart stuff, I think we had a cart thread one day, but I have one saved in my amazon list.  It's like the one Jimmy used in his fishroom (all nice and black), but the one I found have some place for little bins and hooks if need be.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.  You're officially test point #2.  Whenever you're "ready" and have some thoughts on the whole process I'd really appreciate the thoughts in that experiment thread!  I am intrigued as to how hidden it looks in the tank when installed. Should make the equipment hide a little bit easier.

I am still trying to figure out how to get this thing to not bypass.  At the point of modding the basket a little bit next.

Ok I hope it does not sound stupid but here goes. Would it still work without the basket in it at all. I mean just cut a piece of sponge to fit the bottom of the filter itself them add in your media I'm your preferred order or would that not work?

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On 8/29/2022 at 3:05 PM, TeeJay said:

Ok I hope it does not sound stupid but here goes. Would it still work without the basket in it at all. I mean just cut a piece of sponge to fit the bottom of the filter itself them add in your media I'm your preferred order or would that not work?

It totally will. BUT, you have to mod how you run it.  I can dive into it, but yes.... some people have just given up and removed the basket. It would then flow left to right, not bottom to top. Removing the basket drastically changes the flow path.

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On 8/29/2022 at 3:03 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

If there is a sick one, I honestly can’t tell which one. I don’t notice any symptoms.

Yeah. they went through meds for 2 weeks, about a week ago.  The little dude has shortened barbels and looks like he has a big fish mustache while they grow back. 😞

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On 8/29/2022 at 9:45 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

It totally will. BUT, you have to mod how you run it.  I can dive into it, but yes.... some people have just given up and removed the basket. It would then flow left to right, not bottom to top. Removing the basket drastically changes the flow path.

So you would need to orient your media from left to right. Hmmm food for thought.

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On 8/30/2022 at 2:31 AM, TeeJay said:

So you would need to orient your media from left to right. Hmmm food for thought.

In the filter mod threads I've been trying to compile methods for left to right or right to left filters among other mods. @Chick-In-Of-TheSeao and others I think posted theirs in the thread with fancy diagrams and stuff.

Say the word and I'll jam the tidal 35 I have full of sponge and run some tests. 🙂


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On 8/30/2022 at 6:11 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

In the filter mod threads I've been trying to compile methods for left to right or right to left filters among other mods. @Chick-In-Of-TheSeao and others I think posted theirs in the thread with fancy diagrams and stuff.

Say the word and I'll jam the tidal 35 I have full of sponge and run some tests. 🙂


Pack it full. I have a 35 on the Cory tank so we need more research!

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Just ordered some guppy grass for the tank. I'm sure the killis will enjoy. As well I ordered a custom baffle for the filter to help further dampen the outflow. I know with the tidal I keep the flow way down but I figure this way I know we are in a good spot. Maybe even be able to turn up the flow a bit to get more water polished. I know the grass will be here well before the fish. The baffel should get here right about the same time as the fish.

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On 8/30/2022 at 3:31 AM, TeeJay said:

Pack it full. I have a 35 on the Cory tank so we need more research!

I'll do a WC tonight, pack it full.  Tank has two sponges on it, but hey, might be the ONE WAY I get a tidal to let me run chemical media.  I'll let you know.  This is an unmodded tidal 35  (OG basket, can't mod much else)

I'll snap photos and tag you in a post in the tidal section when I figure out what I need to set it up.

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On 8/30/2022 at 3:50 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I'll do a WC tonight, pack it full.  Tank has two sponges on it, but hey, might be the ONE WAY I get a tidal to let me run chemical media.  I'll let you know.  This is an unmodded tidal 35  (OG basket, can't mod much else)

I'll snap photos and tag you in a post in the tidal section when I figure out what I need to set it up.

Excellent. I'll be waiting on pins and needles.

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So the tidal 55 is ready to be put back into buisness. I let the silicone cure for for about 54 hours. I just got it out back into place and the media in. Time for the moment of truth. 

I can definitely tell a difference in the way the flow is carrying thru the filter now. Even putting it up to almost full flow it does a much better job. The biggest issue of having the tank safe for the new killifish is complete. Thanks again to @nabokovfan87 for making it very easy.

Edited by TeeJay
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On 8/30/2022 at 7:02 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Now I’m the one asking the dumb question. Why bother with the tidal vs another brand of filter? What’s the appeal?

Really the main reason is that I like that it has the pump in the tank versus pretty much all the others that the pumps are external. So if the power goes out and comes back on you don't have to worry about forgetting to prime the filter to get it started again. And second it has a truly adjustable flow rate.

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So last night was eventful to say the least. As I was helping my daughter with her homework so says "dad you know there is a crack in the Cory tank!? So my heart jumps and I feel where she is talking about. Sure enough I can feel it. But I can't see it. It was in the bottom right front of the tank. Of course couldn't be near the top. I had to get on the floor at just the right angle to see it. 

So of course I go into straight panic mode. I have never delt with a cracked tank before. Crash course!

So I quickly put an online order to the pet store for a new tank I knew I couldn't go to sleep without doing something. I don't have a car so set for a Lyft and got the new tank between the two of use we got the Cory's switched out into a new tank in less than two hours. As we added the back in, in less than 2 mins they were already sifting through the substrate. 

But something I didn't even think about was if the tank and stand were level. So this time around I checked for that. Of course after I already had the new one set up it jas a bit of a lean to the left a bit. So I got some shims to help get that leveled out. So as soon as I get home from work it will be nice and level.





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