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Filtration for 75 gallon


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As is often the case, it depends. If all you'll have in the 75-gallon tank is a single betta, then yes, it's overkill. If you're filling the tank so full of fish that you have to shove fish out of the way to reach the bottom, then you can't have too much filtration. Filtration needs really come down to bio-load more than anything else. Larger bio-loads need more filtration. 

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with filtration, to me the only overkill is if it causes so much flow the fish are being blown around the tank, and cant find a place to rest. i would swap what you have over to the new tank, and after it gets established and you add stock etc then you can decide if you need another filter or to change out one of the current ones to a larger size.

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I’d agree with above. You don’t really know at the moment. You will need to monitor as you go. If you filtration doesn’t keep up after being given time to adjust, then you will need more. 
depending on the species you stock, flow may not be a factor. I’ve got mollies and rainbows in a tank with a spray bar and they love the flow but they are also fine in a tank without that. Unless you methodically plan out the exact species and number of fish (with sizes and feeding amount and plants, etc) - it’s going to be hard to say out of the gate. 
I’d just plan on slow stocking, frequent monitoring and have my eye on what I would want to up the filtration if my current one doesn’t work. Flexibility/adaptability is key. 

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On 8/4/2022 at 10:34 AM, Nate710 said:

The tank is stocked with 

5- black and white skirt tetras

4- pictus catfish

2 blue acaras (one is EBA)

1 dwarf gaurami

1 super red pleco 

1 green tiger barb (my two others I got with him have died)

Is the current filtration working in the 55? Are you planning to add a lot more fish? Is your concern more water movement or bioload?

On 8/4/2022 at 11:25 AM, Brandon p said:

I think your filtration is fine. I have a 75 that is way more stocked and I have 2 large sponge filters. If you are more comfortable adding a second sponge do it or up the size of the sponge filter. Mine are sort of hidden by Amazon sword so the large work of me and don’t stand out. 

I'm also running a 75g with 2 large sponge filters.

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On 8/4/2022 at 4:16 PM, redfish said:

Nice looking tank. Like others have posted, what do you plan to do with the extra space in the tank?

I’m still working on that part. I was thinking about adding a few angels if that would work. I’m open to any suggestions though!

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On 8/4/2022 at 9:25 AM, Brandon p said:


I think your filtration is fine. I have a 75 that is way more stocked and I have 2 large sponge filters. If you are more comfortable adding a second sponge do it or up the size of the sponge filter. Mine are sort of hidden by Amazon sword so the large work of me and don’t stand out. 


Totally agree. @Nate710, I have more or less the same filtration as you do in my 75g. It’s stocked heavier than your tank and I haven't had any trouble. The only advice I have is to add a sponge pre-filter to the intake on the HOB and watch your parameters after you set up the new tank. 

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On 8/5/2022 at 12:12 PM, Patrick_G said:

Totally agree. @Nate710, I have more or less the same filtration as you do in my 75g. It’s stocked heavier than your tank and I haven't had any trouble. The only advice I have is to add a sponge pre-filter to the intake on the HOB and watch your parameters after you set up the new tank. 

+1 on this, it’s a great tip! Adding a pre filter sponge to the HOB works wonders it’s a nice boost to your beneficial bacteria once the sponge is colonized and it keeps larger detritus and food and whatever from clogging up the media inside the filter so you can have more time in between servicing the HOB. Great advice 

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On 8/5/2022 at 9:25 AM, Christhefishman said:

+1 on this, it’s a great tip! Adding a pre filter sponge to the HOB works wonders it’s a nice boost to your beneficial bacteria once the sponge is colonized

Agree, it's like adding another sponge filter and it's sooo easy to do. 

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