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Hardiest fish that stays less than an inch

Lily Greene

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I would say that Chili Rasboras are pretty hardy, and easy to care for. The best part is, you put a big school of them in a small tank; such as a 10g. 

I have 20 of them currently in my 10g; and will be getting probably 12-15 more soon. And when they color up, they look really cool in a planted tank.

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Pygmy Corydoras I would think fit the bill.  I was going to joke and say "baby panda corydoras!", but yeah.... I think one of the two mid-level pygmy corydoras would work!


White clouds are also pretty robust when I had them.  Once they get through acclimation they are a pretty easy fish to care for.

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Probably mosquitofish, although those are pretty plain looking. Zebra danios are very hardy and small, but, b/c they are an active schooling fish, I don't recommend them for a ten gallon. White clouds are quite hardy. Guppies are beautiful and easy to keep as long as ph and hardness are high. Bettas get well over an inch but one would do great in your tank. Bettas rarely have diseases since they are kept isolated.

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Celestial pearl danios stay 1-1 1/2 inch. I love mine they are very hardy and adapt to a wide range of parameters. Like any fish some sources do sell weak fish. My recommendation is a local breeder or small online breeder.  I get the healthiest fish from small sources that dedicate time to each fish vs large operations that churn out fish like a factory. 

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