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10 Gallon Different / Weird Ideas

The Goatee

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I have a 10 gallon I’ve used as a quarantine tank. I am pretty much set with my allotment of aquariums and don’t plan to need it for a while. I am tempted to turn it into a permanent house for something, but would want something new / different / weird. I really don’t want to scape it or do anything crazy beyond what exists today. The present decor:

Two Co-op rock planters with larger Anubias. A coconut hut with a 2 year old anubias nana petite that has probably 50 leaves. Some java moss. Black gravel. Has a hang on back and nano sponge filter.

To keep it cycled, I’ve had a couple of older male guppies, three mystery snails, and a nerite snail keeping it occupied. They can move or stay. My other aquariums have all sorts of tetras, live bearers, corydoras, rasboras, gourami, white clouds, shrimp, snails, forktail rainbows, and bettas.

Based on this scenario, anything you’d think of housing that is different, weird, unique? I don’t want to replicate what I already have in other tanks.

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On 6/26/2022 at 10:23 PM, Scapexghost said:

What about breeding and raising african dwarf frogs? Get a pair, and then, after they lay and fertilize the eggs, move the parents into one of your other tanks and raise little tadpoles, and watch them morph into frogs.

That would be a fascinating thing. I will have to ponder this one.


On 6/26/2022 at 11:07 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

I dream of.a tank FULL of Hillstream Loaches. I can't get enough of my single one.

I was really curious about this or the small plecos, but I guess it is still too small for plecos. How many loaches would you consider “full”?

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Well, if I had a 10 gallon and wanted something new / different / weird, I would consider the Desert goby (Chlanydogobius eremiuseremi), just about any killifish pair, or maybe a pair of wild type Bettas. 

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On 6/27/2022 at 12:08 AM, The Goatee said:

That would be a fascinating thing. I will have to ponder this one.


I was really curious about this or the small plecos, but I guess it is still too small for plecos. How many loaches would you consider “full”?

I have Super Red plecos breeding in a ten-gallon tank, so it's doable. I didn't intend for them to breed there, but they did. They were put in there as young fish (an inch or so long) and grew up there and started to breed there. They seem very happy. It's doable. Is it ideal? No, but it can be done. Some discus breeders use just a twenty-high for breeding discus and discus are pretty big fish. And there are smaller plecos than Super Reds. Some plecos (pitbull pleco LDA25) reportedly only top out at around the two-inch mark.  You should be able to breed two-inch adult plecos in a ten-gallon tank fairly easily. (Assuming you could get a pair and get them to breed at all.) 

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On 6/26/2022 at 9:08 PM, The Goatee said:

curious about this or the small plecos, but I guess it is still too small for plecos. How many loaches would you consider “full”?

I think if I had a nicely planted, good hiding spots, well filltered 10 gallon I'd do 10 small loaches and see what pans out- they have awesome personalities- I'd love to see if I could get baby loaches.

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I’m not crazy about the loaches. I could be a temporary thing. I hate to saw this but shrimp and small Tetras. I like really going crazy with your planting and decor lots of things would be great. 
rice fish 

chili  rasboras

I have a shrimp and neon 10 gallon truly one of my favorites

I think you can’t make something amazing. I think just a really nice planted 10g would be amazing no matter what you put in it. Most 10 gallons are pretty boring.

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I'm a relative novice, so I don't know all the really weird stuff, but first thing I thought of was a shrimp colony, because the tank couldn't be more perfect. But I'm going through a shrimp phase, and you may already have thousands.

You can breed Rams in a 10, right? But your plants might not be right for them high-temp German Blues.

I'd wanna breed some cool nanos. Like Celestial Rasboras or something.

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I know it doesn't sound "different" but one of my favorite all-time aquariums was a bookshelf aquarium (either 9 or 11 g, I don't remember, though 3 feet long), with six Honey Gouramis (and a few snails and Amano Shrimp handling clean up duties). Honeys are often used as a solo centerpiece fish in nano and small aquariums. Oliver Knott, however, did an aquarium with about a dozen honeys and some cobalt neon gobies in maybe a 20 gallon that inspired me to try something similar. In a shoal of a half dozen or so, Honeys are incredibly playful without being aggressive and make fun use of all of the aquarium, meaning even a ten Is plenty of room, as long as your filtration is decent. Like I said, it sounds basic, but was one of the most fun and novel aquariums I have ever had in terms of behavior and appearance.

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I personally would do some killifish as there is a whole world of them with so many different kinds and I feel like they are underappreciated! They are also pretty hardy, easy to breed for many types, and can suit a 10 gallon tank nicely. An odd fish that I keep and like a lot is the dwarf anchor/stone catfish. Theyre goofy little guys that like cooler water and aren't too hard to keep. And finally another oddball that I personally wouldn't keep but I just think is interesting is the indian royal pipefish which is kind of like a seahorse in some ways, but hard to take care of and I'm not sure what tank size it would need. 

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I was going to say desert gobies, but I see that they've already been mentioned so my next suggestion was pea puffers, which also have been mentioned! I think both of those would be really nice and quite entertaining to have.

Another thought is maybe a pair of a rare apisto species?

Perhaps a wild betta species?

Multies are more common than they used to be, but they're still super fun fish!

There's plenty of unusual killies that would do well in a 10 gallon as well.

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On 6/28/2022 at 10:57 AM, L_goodei200 said:

A small species of darter would work great in that tank, maybe Orangethroat Darters? Mine have topped out at a little over 2" and they show great color on a dark substrate. 

That's a great suggestion as well! They have nice color and fun personalities!

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On 6/27/2022 at 6:53 PM, DarthMollusk said:

Pea puffers? Lots of personality and on my bucket list.

10 gallon is really ok for one pea puffer. People do keep more but from the people I have talked to say they have more issues. If you go to a 20g 3 is easy 

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CPDs and neocaridina is a classic 10 g. Big ball of moss for them to all plat in or go for a bonsai tree type setup with the moss on top. 

I like the idea of a fast flowing loach tank maybe have a UGF with the pipe cut to maybe 1/2 height with a powerhead in one corner and pebbles all throughout but stacked up into one corner. Might be able to do a stiphodon goby as well. 

Opae ula shrimp colony for a brackish tank - loads of fun to watch, some nerites to help and cheato macro algae. Need a mix of blue and white light to help the cheato and helps for algae production which the Opae ula shrimp live on. 


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