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Tetra (fish) in a 29 gallon


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I am thinking of using Cholla wood for hard scape (less expensive), plants and tetras for this tank. What are your favorite tetras? Thinking Emperor tetras, Red Minor, ?? I would love your thoughts.  I want to easily be able to see my fish. And prefer 1-2 species or a large school of a single species. Shrimp safe! So many choices...... Ugh 😅

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On 6/6/2022 at 5:49 AM, CKetchum said:

I am thinking of using Cholla wood for hard scape (less expensive), plants and tetras for this tank. What are your favorite tetras? Thinking Emperor tetras, Red Minor, ?? I would love your thoughts.  I want to easily be able to see my fish. And prefer 1-2 species or a large school of a single species. Shrimp safe! So many choices...... Ugh 😅

My preference is for Rasboras / Barbs, BUT..... There are a few tetras that make the cut for me. 

I would definitely push you to go check out chili rasboras 😉

I tent to not like the flat bodied tetras.  I prefer more of the emperor tetra for size/shape or the neon varieties.  Aquahuna does have some albino neon's in stock, something cool to check out that might not be around often for some hobbyists.

Neons, Green Neons, Rummynose, Embers, and Emperor Tetras would be my go to.  Also on Aquahuna and I wish I could get some:


Black Emperor Tetra - 8 pack

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Right now I have three tetra schools in my tank, which are black neon, lemon and candy cane.  Of them all, I really have grown to like the candy canes the most. They are a nice pink color with white on their fins and are very active, peaceful, and a decent size. They really compliment my lemon tetras well.  Its great seeing them swimming around the plants and investigate stuff on the substrate that catches their eye.

Nobody seems to talk about them much, which is a shame as they are just a wonderful fish that is a great community tank member.

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Like you said "so many choices".  I keep Bloodfin, Serpae, and Ember Tetras.  The Bloodfins seem to be a good fit for the 29 community.  It is harder to lose track of the Embers in the 65 gallon community. I hope to eventually have a school of them. 

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Serpae tetras are one of my favorites for planted tanks, since their reddish/orange color contrasts so nicely against the green plants (I think red minor is the same thing).  I'm also a big fan of black neon tetras.

Pristella tetras and lemon tetras are two more that I keep and wouldn't hesitate to recommend (though when I got my pristella tetras I told the guy at the store to give me all they had, not realizing there were two of the albino variant in the tank; I'm less fond of them).

Edited by JettsPapa
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For me...I have a heavily planted 29g with ~15 embers and ~15 CPDs - when I eventually get another tank, or update this one, I think I'm going to go for something a little bigger (Serpaes are definitely on the list), the embers are super cute, but they do tend to just roam around the tank and don't really school anymore since they are only in there with other little fish and one honey gourami who I think is more scared of them 😄

I guess it also depends on whether you want to order them online, or get them at your LFS - that could limit/expand your choices

they're all really cute and fun to watch, but my $.02 would be to get something a little bigger than a neon or ember

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