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Plants for and 8-year-old's tank

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I'm putting together a little 10 gallon for my nephew. I'm just doing hand-me-down plastic decor and horrifying, Skittles gravel at his request ( I didn't tell him that I think it's ugly, cuz he likes it).

But live plants work so well in a tank, I'd like to add a few. I was thinking just some floaters, like a duckweed and redroot to eat up extra nitrates and stuff, and make the tank a little easier to take care of. I don't want him to have to dose ferts. Just want to help make it easy.

What other ultra low maintenance water column feeding plants do you think would be good? Maybe some water sprite, or water wisteria?

Or should I just stick to the handful of floaters that he can scoop out when they get overgrown.

The stocking for now is just going to be 4 or 5 male guppies, and one or two powder blue gouramis.


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Anubias (nana species) and Java (my favorite is Windelov) since both don't overtake a tank- and are glued to rocks or decor they can be moved around and give a nice look/texture to a tank. My Mum's ADF tank I built for her (5.5 gallon) has Anubias, Java (narrow leaf- I have some windelov I'm adding to it later.), Guppy Grass (takes over fast so I don't necessarily recommend- I keep the tank up for her). I recommend them because an 8 year old (or a 60's year old woman in my case lol) isn't necessarily going to do a lot of plant maintenance and they are not only slow growers but easy care/grow. 


Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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On 6/3/2022 at 10:03 AM, Trish said:

Buce variety's are nice if you can get them. Subwassertang is also easy and can be formed into balls.

I often wonder why susswassertang isn't suggested more often. I have some in my tanks and I really love it. Maybe because it can get messy? 

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On 6/6/2022 at 11:22 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

@Jennifer V I think it's because subwassertang is very hard to find in most normal channels- especially for newer hobbyists (ya gotta get creative) I've ordered it online but since per forum guidlines we can't really mention these things (as it directly competes with ACO plant sales) it's hard to bring it up. 

That's true. I stumbled upon it and didn't realize what it was until further research. 

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