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Better option for canister filter hoses?

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Not sure what brand you have but I feel the Fluval hoses are very flexible.  Maybe try and adapt to yours (if you are not using Fluval), they have a few different sizes.

Fire up GoOgLe and search for "fluval replacement hoses"

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Ugh, I never followed up...

I've got a couple of the Marineland canister filters. The hoses are so stiff. I'm sure that's to make them durable, and they do their job fine. But, like, I have to move the filter to reposition the outlet. The suction cup clips aren't strong enough to hold the in-tank parts against the curving of the hoses.

I'll check out the Eheim. And I'll measure the parts to see if that Pond Tubing will fit.

Where's good to get soft silicone tubing? Can you get it at a hardware store? Or is it just a fish keeping thing?

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On 4/1/2022 at 10:58 AM, Corbidorbidoodle said:

I'll check out the Eheim. And I'll measure the parts to see if that Pond Tubing will fit.

Home Depot and such carry tubing. The marine land stuff is tinted from what I remember, so it means you'll see the algae and stuff on the tubes. That might be a good thing or not.


Just be sure to check materials on whatever you get. Some will be fish safe and some won't.

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