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Bristlenose Fry Eruption!

Fish Folk

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Oh my! Exciting times in the fishroom after dark. Let this be a challenge to everyone: check your tanks after lights-out! Stuff happens…

So, I just built a DIY fry floating tray concept. I’m going to use it here for the first time.





It’s loosely based on Dean’s fry tray idea, and his mini floating pond basket design.

Now I can only catch a limited number of these fry. I’m worried Killifish will pick off a bunch once lights come on. As I catch them, I really begin to notice some are blond, and some are brown. Here’s a look once I’ve caught some…

I add the airline designed for the fry container…


I also add a Catappa leaf and java moss.  

Ok. So now let’s talk coloration. Why are some fry blonde and others brown?

First off, here is what the parents _look like_ (these are actually a brother and sister BNP in another tank that were easier to photo under normal light a few weeks ago)





Like these photographed, both parents are brown. So why the blonde fry?

The answer is all about grandpa and grandma.

Here, the grandpa-male is wedged down in a wood crevice to spawn, while the grandma-female lingers..


So, basic Punnett Square theory applies here for coloration. I’ll use “Y” for Yellow and “B” for Brown.


So all children from the Yellow / Brown cross are: _B_y_ — meaning they’ll all LOOK “B” because that color is dominant. BUT they’ll all _carry_ the recessive “Y” color trait.

So when these heterozygous siblings cross, the fry colors split back out…


The lower right quadrant is the 25% of fry that appear “blond” / yellow / gold / white (_y_y_). The others will all appear brown. HOWEVER, 50% of them are like their parents (_B_y_) and 25% are (_B_B_).

Here’s a night time video of Grandpa and Grandma just taken tonight…


… So. Yeah. That just happened. 😅 … 

Edited by Fish Folk
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Here’s a fry-after update. The fry are looking good! Many are hidden. But I’ve been able to save ca. 20+ BNP fry last light, during lights out. 

You can see the varied coloration mentioned in the first post…


It will be interesting to see how the colors actually sort out months ahead. I hope that these blond ones stay yellow.



Here’s a little feeding video. I use New Life Spectrum GROW Fry Starter powder, mixed in tank water.


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The "blond" ones are likely albinos. Check out their eye color. If the eyes are red, they're albino. My last two spawns have churned out quite a few albinos which is interesting as the parents and grandparents (maybe great grandparents) were all Super Reds. Somewhere farther back in the past there was an albino, but I don't know where. I think I bought my original seven in 2018 or 2019. Those seven had multiple spawns that were distributed through various tanks. The newer spawns were from grandkids or great grandkids of the original seven. I never had an albino until these spawns. They're pretty neat looking fish though.

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On 2/14/2022 at 9:54 AM, gardenman said:

The "blond" ones are likely albinos. Check out their eye color. If the eyes are red, they're albino. My last two spawns have churned out quite a few albinos which is interesting as the parents and grandparents (maybe great grandparents) were all Super Reds. Somewhere farther back in the past there was an albino, but I don't know where. I think I bought my original seven in 2018 or 2019. Those seven had multiple spawns that were distributed through various tanks. The newer spawns were from grandkids or great grandkids of the original seven. I never had an albino until these spawns. They're pretty neat looking fish though.

You know… I was text messaging with an experienced breeder today. He’s not sure Ancistrus follow Mendelian genetics. I might be all wrong on the Punnet square theory. 🤷‍♂️

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If I'd had just one albino I'd say it was a fluke, but these last two spawnings have produced somewhere between 20%-40% albino. That's more than a fluke. (I can't say for sure the percentage as they're still in the tank and there's lots of cover, but it's not hard to find an albino, so I'm guesstimating it at 20%-40%.) There's something genetic going on there from the past that's popped up now. It surprised me. I like it though.

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On 2/14/2022 at 10:30 AM, gardenman said:

If I'd had just one albino I'd say it was a fluke, but these last two spawnings have produced somewhere between 20%-40% albino. That's more than a fluke. (I can't say for sure the percentage as they're still in the tank and there's lots of cover, but it's not hard to find an albino, so I'm guesstimating it at 20%-40%.) There's something genetic going on there from the past that's popped up now. It surprised me. I like it though.

I like how much easier it is to see the Yellow ones!

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Still growing strong! On to Omega One Algae Wafer Chips now…

If you wait for it… the fish are watched over by the fishroom monitor. The bass I caught in middle school that my mother regretted agreeing to pay to get stuffed by a local taxidermist, and my wife wants… nowhere she ever has to see it… 😄

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