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Snail .. poop?


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Yes. Here is a pic of a rock in my gold bladder snail tank. They poo ALOT! I just set this tank up last week. It’s small but every rock and the bare bottom looks like this. The up side. Their digestion is poor and they eat tons of debris and break it down further so it makes lovely plant food. 


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On 2/11/2022 at 6:28 PM, Guppysnail said:

Yes. Here is a pic of a rock in my gold bladder snail tank. They poo ALOT! I just set this tank up last week. It’s small but every rock and the bare bottom looks like this. The up side. Their digestion is poor and they eat tons of debris and break it down further so it makes lovely plant food. 


oh my goodness 😅 I didn't have that rock in there at first, and now after only a few days it's covered. And these snails are tiny right now! 

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On 2/11/2022 at 9:58 PM, Guppysnail said:

If they are pond or bladder snails they reproduce fast and to the amount of food they get food=algae, biofilm, driftwood,dead leaves, leftover food. If you are not sure what type it is post a pic we can help identify it. 

They are VERY small. I wasn't even supposed to have them. And I thought I had 3, but now I see ANOTHER tiny one. There are two bigger ones now, but I'm not sure if you'd be able to tell. Maybe once they grow up a little more!

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On 2/11/2022 at 10:09 PM, Guppysnail said:

Take the best pic you can. I’m a snail lover and decent at identifying even as babies. I’ll try to help

Hopefully you can see here! I know there's another snail of the same size as that bigger one, but it's shell is paler.


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On 2/18/2022 at 12:06 PM, Katherine said:

They look like bladder snails to me. The paler one could be as well if the shell is the same shape.

Should I remove them? I don't want them to keep producing waste. If they do stay in there, what kind of care do they need?

I want to put a betta in here eventually, would it be better without the snails?

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Bladder snails. Thin antenna and the point of the shell goes left. I keep them in all my tanks. Very good gardeners and cleanup crew but can get out of hand with overfeeding and lack of gravel vac. Use a magnifying glass. Their faces are ADORABLE when they eat. They can also be a touch acrobatic 

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On 2/18/2022 at 12:37 PM, Guppysnail said:

Bladder snails. Thin antenna and the point of the shell goes left. I keep them in all my tanks. Very good gardeners and cleanup crew but can get out of hand with overfeeding and lack of gravel vac. Use a magnifying glass. Their faces are ADORABLE when they eat. They can also be a touch acrobatic 

How should one dispose of snails if I don't want them in my tank..?

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On 2/18/2022 at 12:53 PM, grimms said:

How should one dispose of snails if I don't want them in my tank..?

Take them to a club or LFS as puffer food or Squish them in a paper towel. Do not put down the drain or release to streams they are very invasive. They infest waste water treatment plants and cause all kinds of issues. 

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On 2/18/2022 at 12:53 PM, grimms said:

How should one dispose of snails if I don't want them in my tank..?

You have a few different options, there are traps which will help keep the population in control but won't completely wipe it out, plus I find it kind of tedious. 

One option is to use No Planaria, as it will be also lethal to snails in addition to hydra and planaria. Just keep in mind it does kill ALL snails including any Nerite or Mystery snails you might want to keep. 

Another option is to hire Pea Puffer(s). I had a five gallon tank that just happened to have pest snails in it and I decided to add a single pea puffer to it. It completely wiped all of them out, just keep in mind they don't play well with other fish. You can always donate it to a LFS or sell to another hobbyist once you're done. 

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On 2/18/2022 at 1:02 PM, Guppysnail said:

Take them to a club or LFS as puffer food or Squish them in a paper towel. Do not put down the drain or release to streams they are very invasive. They infest waste water treatment plants and cause all kinds of issues. 

Will do. Thanks for all the help!

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@grimms I'll be honest, sad to see them go. They are fabulous little clean up crews, and some bettas love eating their eggs.

Can they get out of hand?


They are fantastic at letting us know when we overfeed, and they are great little water quality indicators and will tell you when something is wrong. 

It is your tank, and your decision. 

My bettas enjoyed their own pet snails, and I appreciated the fact that they were free😁

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On 2/18/2022 at 7:09 PM, BAT said:

@Torreyif we keep the detritus to a minimum does that mean that the snails wont multiply as fast if at all?


A snail explosion happens in direct response to the food supply. What gets tricky, is we humans tend to not have very expansive imaginations at the beginning, and overlook just how much food there is.

Any time I get new plants, I know I will have a snail explosion in 4 to 6 weeks as they clean up the melt on the plants.

Feeding fry?

Snail population will increase to clean up after the fry.

Personally, I throw a few of my female endlers in the tank, and they will track down and consume every bladder snail clutch they can find.

I used to think snails were pests, because I was *taught* to think snails are pests. In reality, they are part of a healthy ecosystem. 

Of course, I also believe damselfly are an important part of the ecosystem, and same with mosquitoes. Not everyone is willing to be that dedicated to an ecosystem inside a glass box.

I am, because Cory taught me better so now I do better. 🤷‍♂️

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