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Plague in 15 g Tower Tank


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@Coluand my Nerm friends: I have been struggling with treating my panda corys for an Ich-like illness. Please be advised graphic images ahead! 20DA1E5C-F352-461A-B15E-0780AEE05C69.jpeg.dc90565912a47707024037c8ed065903.jpegC434A3A1-DAE7-4440-91E3-6EF7A9272F5A.jpeg.f81e718636511887a81738569c03947b.jpegC434A3A1-DAE7-4440-91E3-6EF7A9272F5A.jpeg.f81e718636511887a81738569c03947b.jpegThey were in a community with platys, a couple baby BN plecos and some ricefish. The platys started having the white patches as well.DD57FEEC-C40D-463E-9550-C08BBAC091A8.jpeg.69445716a3d8024fe3d28c33732a3e66.jpeg At that point my parameters were. 
ph 7-7.2


kh 40

no nitrite or nitrate 

ammonia 0. 
I treated initially for what I saw an Ich-like illness with fairly uniform white dots all over. They responded to 3 days of Ich-x and about 1 tbsp of aquarium salt. I put in an airstone. It has an Aqueon HOB and a Ziss biobubbler. I raised the temp from 77 to 80 then 82 to 84 over those 3 days as well. Each day I added ACCR to keep the ammonia down.  They all looked better so I water changed 30%. I added beneficial bacteria Fritz 7. 
I checked parameters and had no change in pH, no ammonia, nitrite or nitrate. 
The next day I had barely detectable nitrate and the pandas had spots again they looked less uniform and more stuck on. I water changed then dumped in the med trio and waited 24 hours. I lost 3 panda corys in the next 12 hours.04C3A05F-33DC-458B-BD5D-0FAE8F8D2542.jpeg.7a9b2c3f27387bcbbb0105b8bc800f33.jpegF10329C4-9175-4670-92FF-5EF0B50819FA.jpeg.09b7665983683230107e90f949f3b18a.jpeg I added Fritz ACCR daily. The rest of the fish looked better. 8435F32C-2B75-4FC4-856D-467EDCEB959C.jpeg.6fcbf9203bfcd0ebc2fa0c931f29c399.jpegPandas started surfing the glass and looked for food. I water changed and fed them BBS. 24 hours went by and they looked ok, not as active but no signs and they were still searching out food. Then yesterday the white spots were back. I thought that Epistylis may be the culprit so I got Kanaplex and after a water change I added that. This morning the fish were alive, I added ACCR and went to work. This evening the pandas were all dead. The other fish looked stressed. I immediately added ACCR and then Water changed. B73D6F52-769C-41A1-B914-62B52466EBF9.jpeg.7788038d39be3237661e091e23744567.jpeg74C3C5B6-0619-4531-93A3-EF9B59F05827.jpeg.dfa85934f0e30233a8a255e2b78e1582.jpeg404F1B06-5F24-43CD-8D34-660A6FF4721A.jpeg.c13113d153185462f4cc1fa81657a29d.jpeg7B5AEB89-6AD1-429F-85F1-27CE8D2E6521.jpeg.de445b21eb766982f9f92eca81312363.jpeg0BB57F10-A1AC-4EC3-88BA-8261E0FE56A7.jpeg.c3d11cad90dd81e90efe507e4fc58349.jpegC8DA0D9B-DFFC-4983-88DB-E31C59AAFD8B.jpeg.2d82cdcb72276ebf427d7aa02fce3570.jpeg20694A1E-ACD0-45B9-854A-048D434F20AC.jpeg.e38a437a7dfd3640c5de9a3151e120c6.jpeg

Now I’m worried about the other inhabitants and whether I can stabilize the tank. The platys look stressed. I haven’t seen the pleco baby’s. The ricefish are ok. There is a white film on all the tank glass. I scrub it off with the WC and it comes right back. I just put some carbon in the filter. PH is lower 6.8-7, gh unchanged, kh 0-40, nitrite neg but nitrate at 10-20. F1A26B57-7B3D-40F3-8CDD-B02A11C9E6A8.jpeg.0bd15eb4ec39b317004a7c53271c7ce6.jpeg

At this point my post is 2 fold: 1. I have a 10 g with African dwarf frogs I could put the survivors in there. Should I? 2. Should I pull all the plants out and just dump a bottle of h2o2 and reset this tank? Or should I ride it out a bit longer. All help and or advice appreciated.  


Addendum: found the plecos, all 3 dead as well. 

Edited by Beardedbillygoat1975
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Oh buddy, I am so so sorry. 

I'm leaning towards Epistylis too just based on the chart I'll attach that @Colu has used ot help others but there has to be something else running through there too it seems. Is it Columnaris? the white patches are reminiscent? Both are pretty nasty and I'd imagine both together are an unstoppable death cloud. Epistylis I learned from colu also thrives in heat so while the first treatment may have been legit Ich, I wonder if that opened the doorway for Epistylis?

I'm with you I'd have the urge to move everyone out and bomb that tank BUT I wouldn't put them with the ADF they are super sensitive and medicating them well I'm not sure there's much you can medicate them with, AVOID. Get a plastic container and evacuate! (That's just my gut feeling) But what to treat with.....

I am so crossing fingers and toes for you. 😞 


Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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Kanaplex, Ich X and a med with Nitrofurazone in it? If you still have Furan 2 or the Jungle tabs? You could probably skip the Ich X but I was successful with a mystery illness that could have been columnaris (wasn't manifesting in the textbook way) with Kanaplex and Furan2- per a post from colu is also what is needed to fight Epistylus.

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Possible Epistylis with secondary bacterial infection that would explain mass mortality in your Cory's I would Qarantine all your fish treat with kanaplex in food and jungal fungas clear to treat the water column as furan2 has been discontinued the combined treatment is very effective at treating Epistylis and Columnaris and severe bacterial infections as Epistylis feeds off the bacterial on the skin of your fish and spread more rapidly at higher temperatures so I would lower the temperature you could also add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons it Will help with Gill function and add essential electrolytes to help reduce stress in your fish

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@Beardedbillygoat1975I am so sorry to see this tank go through through such a nasty ordeal.😔

I am not familiar with Epistylis, but I put my CPDs on the regime of Kanaplex and Furan2 recommended by Colu to get rid of Columnaris in the tank, and it worked. I was able to substitute Furan2 with Nitrofurazone in the food, and the shrimp and the snails did not get affected by the meds from what I can tell.

Good luck, I will be following this and hoping for a full recovery.

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@eatyourpeasand @Coluwhat form of nitrofurazone should I obtain? I see a powder of 0.2% on a vet website and a package of 50 gram/1500 gal meant for Koi farms. Is there a commercial product for ornamental fish I am missing?

I will get the jungle fungus cure. I am not sure I will have time to get the second and third med. I am glad that I have backups of the dwarf platys but I would be sad about losing these ricefish - I raised them from eggs. 

I gave them the kanaplex again this AM. Will see how this goes and await reply on the form of the nitro then order this and the jungle fungus cure. . 

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I’m so sorry for your losses. Just a thought. I was thinking the other day about your issue when rereading the low o2 thread. Tall tanks that are much taller than the surface area often struggle with oxygen levels at the bottom. Though The Cory can gulp air possibly consistent low oxygen at the bottom perhaps lowered their immune system response? Combined with lower o2 from meds maybe caused further issue? Maybe adding a powerhead  in the future pointed at the substrate would help circulate oxygen to the bottom along with extra airstones? My condolences on your ordeal. 

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On 2/1/2022 at 9:44 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Looks like I can't get both meds from one source so I will have to buy from multiple sites. 

I forgot to mention, if you contact them via chat, they can tell you how to expedite the order to the 2-day option. Was only $5 extra and well worth it.

Agree with @Guppysnail on the need to increase O2. I did that as well, and decided to keep extra aeration in the tank.

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If I remember correctly Jungle tabs were the only consumer med left on the market that containg Nitrofurazone after they pulled all the other competition. probably likely because it contains other things. Sadly I don't see a site immediately available (even the Jungle site) that says what it actually contains. 

I think our lovely government had the straight medication pulled from public useage but isn't banning it from say medicated fish food. 

Probably a few PEOPLE used the fish medication for an unintended purpose so we all get punished for it. It was at one time a very popular human medication until other things replaced it- but you being in the field probably already know that. 

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On 2/1/2022 at 9:00 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Ok so the jungle fungus clear fizz tabs would be sufficient @Colu or I need that and another source like the food (which I found on ebay). 

I have seen people get  good results from kanaplex and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs  and the aquatics foods premium flake I personally like to use jungal fungas clear fizz tabs active ingredient are nitrofurazone furazolidone and  potassium dichromate with the kanaplex

Edited by Colu
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Lost the last of the platys. Still waiting on my Amazon order with the Jungle fungus clear fizz. Plan to follow through on the treatment of the 4 remaining ricefish and then rehome them and reset the tower tank. My only saving grace is the colony of platys in the sad bowl. They'll be able to breed out in the fishroom. 

Sincere thanks to @Colu, @Guppysnail, @xXInkedPhoenixXand @eatyourpeas

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