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Free established community tank

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Hi!   I'm  moving to Texas in 2 weeks and need my well established, 20 gallon long fish tank to go to a great new home.  I have had this fish tank for 4 years and it has brought a lot of joy to me and my family.  Sadly, I can't take it with me to the next house.  Anyone interested?

It is a very heavily planted tank, containing 2 cherry barbs, a plecko, a honey gourami, a platty, roughly 7 green neon tetras, 4 kuhli loaches, a fancy guppy, and 4 rosy loaches.  Along with the 20 gallon tank, I have the  supplies that go with it, including 2 fluval stingray lights.  I live in Shoreline, Washington, about 7 minutes from the Aquaroium Co-op.









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I recently moved cross-country.

Just for the sake of your emotions, I have a suggestion. Perhaps you could manage to take a single favorite fish? If you're flying, maybe you could mail it to yourself? Fish are regularly mailed, so maybe. Or at least a favorite plant? They're certainly more durable than animals in the mail or in luggage. You could wrap it in damp paper towels, in a ziploc, and just stick it wherever it won't get smooshed and won't freeze. 

Whether by mail or by wheels, the 72 hour heat packs that ACO sells could be really helpful. I used a bunch while traveling.

Just trying to help you not have to let go of everything. ❤️ 

By the way, if the limitation at the next house is the landlord/lease, it's worth reading the fine print. Sometimes it speaks of dogs and cats, but doesn't specify other pets by species. Hello, loophole. Or it might specify a number of gallons per tank as your limitation. Perhaps you could have a durable, reasonably clear tote instead of glass, so the landlord won't be scared of a break. If nothing else, you could put a plant in a smallish strong container and call it a houseplant... that chances to have a snail. Oops - how'd that get in there?! I don't advocate for being a knucklehead, but seriously, sometimes landlords just simply have no idea that a tank doesn't have to pose any danger at all to their property. They do have a right to protect the structure, but really, they just don't know it's not a problem.

Edited by CalmedByFish
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Hi I am so sorry you have to leave your tank behind 😞

I just wanted to let you know that posting aquarium livestock or equipment, to give away or for sale is against the rules of the forum. I personally don't care if someone posts equipment or livestock to give away, but I would hate for you to get in trouble with the moderators. 

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On 12/25/2021 at 9:29 AM, Dwayne Brown said:

Hi I am so sorry you have to leave your tank behind 😞

I just wanted to let you know that posting aquarium livestock or equipment, to give away or for sale is against the rules of the forum. I personally don't care if someone posts equipment or livestock to give away, but I would hate for you to get in trouble with the moderators. 

Thanks for the heads up, I didn't know that.  Someone reached out from the forum interested in the fish tank so I will be giving the tank and fish away to him. 

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Good luck with the move @Eva Personett and just FYI to whoever takes the tank, that's a female thicklipped gourami and not a honey gourami, so if you get her friends someday make sure it's a thicklipped and not a honey. My female thicklipped eventually got tired of my honeys and began to chase my male! Very fun and sweet fish otherwise, just know what you're getting 🙂

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