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Sores and clamped fins


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  • pH - 7 - 7.2
  • Nitrates - 5
  • Hardness - 8
  • Nitrite - 0
  • Ammonia - <.25
  • KH/Buffer - 2
  • Water Temperature - 77° 

All of my female guppies have been randomly dying. I just got them about 2 weeks ago. The males are all fine. These females range from just big enough to tell the sex to full grown. I had 8. This one and a really young one is all that’s left. These sores just popped up today but it started being lethargic yesterday and not eating to much. I put it in a breeder box to see what will happen as my quarantine tank is full with new Kuhlis. All other fish are fine and eating well. 





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What I would do is add crushed coral to your filter in a media bag that will help gradually increase your KH your your pH will increase depending on how much crushed coral you add from what I have read onkuhli loach  should be fine with a pH up to 7.5 they won't breed in higher pH range  I would start treating with kanaplex and aquatics foods premium flake containing nitrofurazone together as you are still losing fish and i agree with @quikv6 it could Columnaris looking at the pictures and you want get on top on it straight away

Edited by Colu
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@Colu do you think Jungle Fungus Clear Fizz Tabs at Walmart is a good alternative for nitrofurazone? They recommend one tab per 10 gallons? My biggest thing now is I just set up a quarantine tank and pulled my sponge filter from this infected tank before I realized it. Should I also dose this tank as well? It’s a 10 gallon with 6 Kuhlis, 4 ottos, and 2 pygmy corries. Or should I just toss them in the 29 gallon this is happening to and treat them as well? 

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It doesn't have as much of the active ingredient nitrofurazone  I personally use as alternative for furan2 is aquatics foods premium flake containing nitrofurazone if that's what you have to hand then I would treat with it and  kanaplex together you could add kanaplex to food and treat the water column jungal fungus clear tabs nitrofurazone isn't shrimp and snail safe 


Edited by Colu
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On 11/28/2021 at 8:42 AM, lmhicks101 said:

you recommend me treating my quarantine tank as well for this since I took the sponge filter from the contaminated tank or just leave them alone unless they show signs? 

I would just monitor them if they show no symptoms I wouldn't treat

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if your still treating with kanaplex in food finish the 7 days course give them a rest for a day two days and then do another course of kanaplex in food with the   jungal fungus clear tabs following instructions on the box if your fish are still showing symptoms

Edited by Colu
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I only dosed them on the 5 day chart you posted for this stuff. Everyone looks clear. Water is a bright green though due to the fizz tabs. I never fed them the KanaPlex. Just dosed it in the water. Do you recommend doing gradual 25% water changes to get it out or just do a big change? 

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