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What kind of tetra are these?


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I've had them for about a year.  Originally had 6.  I assume the other 2 jumped, but I only found 1.  I sealed up the gap at the back of the tank since then.

I'm going to be adding another school or two of different tetras, but want to get these guys' numbers up  as well.  It's strange how they don't really school together.  I have some black neons in the same tank, and they don't mix other than incidentally.


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they do have red tails and dorsal fins, but they are smaller and not silver like Blood fins.  They have that shiny lengthwise stripe like neons do.  I guess they are some sort of neon?  They are a little longer and thinner than black neons.  I think I got them in the bag with black neons actually, but they are obviously different.

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On 11/18/2021 at 12:13 PM, lefty o said:

close resemblence to a white cloud minnow.

I think we have a winner.  Comparing photos I am now quite certain that is what they are.  I got them mixed in with neons from petsmart about a year ago and didn't notice the difference myself right away.

Good to know!  I like them, maybe I'll get some more.   They look nice.  What I am assuming is a male even has a display where he flares out all of his fins showing his color.

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I'm curious to get a bigger school of them now that I know what they are.  They're pretty lively and really quick.

It sounds like the tank they are in is a bit warm for them.  Their upper range is in the low 70s F, and I have them at 78-79.  I've had them for more than 1 year thinking they were a tetra.  I wonder if I should move them?

Edit: From what I've read, they do fin alongside warmer water fish.  If I can find some that have been kept in warmer water like mine have, I'll just keep them that way.   Though now I am kind of thinking of a cooler tank with White Clouds and Hill Streams.

Edited by meadeam
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On 11/18/2021 at 5:00 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@meadeamthey are versatile can do much cooler temps alongside shiners or 70s tropical temps but like it 65-75. I had them in a mini pond until beginning of this month. Great for summer tubbing. 

Yeah, I was running that tank too warm for everybody that is in it, actually.  I will gradually lower the temp a few degrees, nobody needs it as high as it was.  Hopefully I didn't shorten their lifespan.


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