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29 Gallon Apistogramma Tank

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Just got it set up. And going to start a journal and show progression. Hopefully some breeding. 

29 gallon,  marineland magniflow 220, finnex stingray, acoop sponge filter

Carib sea eco planted substrate underneath black blast sand and fine black sand on top. Root tabs 

3 Amazon sword plants,  5 micro sword plants spread throughout, 5 Dwarf sagittaria, 3 java fern , and a small anubias plant .

Going to let cycle and see where all this goes ! 20211101_190433.jpg.e7dbf0f946205db4e0f55ecb3edbbf59.jpg

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@Kyle murfitti think this is a great start with good easy plants that should really take off. Eco-complete is good at holding on to nutrients but you’ll need to load it with some of those nutrients with fertilizer and root tabs.

If your plan is to use it as an apistogramma breeding tank they’ll need a cave of some sort. Coconut shell, piece of pvc, part of a terracotta planter somewhere like that. If you could do a couple that would really be good to give them options. I find Apistos really pop against black substrate.

Enjoy the ride and have fun. 

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Depending on species of apistogramma you require more barriers to break line of sight. Many species exhibit quite a bit of violence between male and female. A lot of breeders use leaf litter as the fishes can hide under the leaves but some solid barriers in the form of driftwood and similar will help. I have hongsoli in a 29 and when the female is not ready to breed she stays as far as possible from the male to avoid his fury.

Edited by anewbie
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On 11/2/2021 at 1:07 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@Kyle murfitti think this is a great start with good easy plants that should really take off. Eco-complete is good at holding on to nutrients but you’ll need to load it with some of those nutrients with fertilizer and root tabs.

If your plan is to use it as an apistogramma breeding tank they’ll need a cave of some sort. Coconut shell, piece of pvc, part of a terracotta planter somewhere like that. If you could do a couple that would really be good to give them options. I find Apistos really pop against black substrate.

Enjoy the ride and have fun. 

Thank you ! I've got 2 big caves in the center that go all the way to the back of the tank , made from the hardscape. Trying to separate them with the Amazon sword and micro sword as it grows out. And on the left of the picture the dark spot is a pvc cave I made with a 3/4 - 1" opening that connects to a 3" tube going all the way underground , then rolled it in substrate with silicone to hide it. As everything  grows out plan adding some more barriers but want to see how the plants do first 


On 11/2/2021 at 7:28 AM, anewbie said:

Depending on species of apistogramma you require more barriers to break line of sight. Many species exhibit quite a bit of violence between male and female. A lot of breeders use leaf litter as the fishes can hide under the leaves but some solid barriers in the form of driftwood and similar will help. I have hongsoli in a 29 and when the female is not ready to breed she stays as far as possible from the male to avoid his fury.

Thanks. Hoping as everything grows out the barriers will become more bold and help block line of sight , of not ill add more to it.  

Edited by Kyle murfitt
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Day 5 of tank being up parameters are still crazy , nitrites are starting to drop a bit but ammonia is still sky high . 

Also seeing most of the plants besides the java fern starting to melt back a bit. Little bit of yellowing in leaves . 

Going to contain myself and just let things happen on this one. Still doing water changes and adding conditioner along with beneficial bacteria but not going to start dosing ferts or anything yet. Hurry up and wait 20211103_175405.jpg.1d22d381fcd530f8877814202980d974.jpg

Edited by Kyle murfitt
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On 11/3/2021 at 6:47 PM, Guppysnail said:

Looks like a start to a very pretty tank. Even tanks I’ve had up forever I still can’t stop messing with and changing. It’s part of the fun for me 

Saaaaame here. But I feel like my last few tanks I've messed with the plants and stuff to much in the start and don't let them just settle in and come back. Gonna deal with the melt and start dosing once the tank cycles 

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I'm concern you don't have enough hiding places for when the female doesn't want ot breed and male is unhappy. They do not hide in caves; you need to break line of sight so the female can hide without the male seeing her. The need for this depends on individual fishes but the male can be quite violent in driving a non-breeding female out of his domain. 

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Well.. sad day. The male was put I to a quarantine tank when we got home because he was looking stressed. Git worse over the last few days and seemed to look like columnaris.. went ahead and made the decision to put him to rest. Have been trying to medicate but he ended up being on the bottom of the tank barely going. Rest easy my dude.

Went to the lfs, and only agasizzi left in town were some fire gold. Got what im hoping is a pair and they seem to be going great with the female double red .. to be continued. 

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Everything going smooth so far . Have been dosing heavy easy green and plants are starting to perk up a bit and showing less melt. Tetras, otos and nerites doing great. Apistos are showing a little aggression but mainly between the two fire golds , still not sure if I have two females or a pair so it's a waiting game to see where the aggression is coming from . 20211118_200222.jpg.6385fe44e374b27c1ef6126d1731f67f.jpg20211118_200316.jpg.0d1d7f36f14f9b50e0a1a8d8a5cde419.jpg20211118_200230.jpg.bdd10091352c913d453ae721d2033aff.jpg

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