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Malaysian trumpet snails anyone

Ken Sonnier

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On 10/29/2021 at 10:05 PM, Ken Sonnier said:

Not sure what had got them this active so early tonight but we have a mass exodus of sorts ( bottom of the tank to the top ) 😂😂







Yepper . . . same for many of my tanks. Bit hard on the eyes, but not all that bad for the eco system.

Edited by Fish Folk
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I have 5 or 6 4” size clown loaches. I still have the small Er snails be anything over a pencil lead are eaten. It’s mostly the clowns but the discus will pick them off there favorite grazing spots and they don’t spit them out. The large angels do this as well but it’s body is as large as my hand. I would rather have the small snails than the big ones in my discus/Angel tank

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On 10/29/2021 at 10:48 PM, Jennifer V said:

How did ya'll like your Malaysia Trumpet Snails? I'm thinking about adding some to my 5g snail tank to aerate the sand if I don't end up changing the substrate. 

I don’t like them in the sand(depends sand size) they tend to stay on top or just at sand level. In a gravel they dig down and most of the time in the day and come up at night/evening.  This are the best pics

1. tank with clowns, can’t see a lot but if dig in there there would a lot of smaller Malaysian trumpet snail

2. one small spot were you can see the Malaysian trumpets nails in the moss. However the clowns feed in there everyday not eat them all more of keeping a balance 

3. sand bottom of an angelfish grow-out. They tend to just travel above the sand or maybe just below surface

4.a crushed coral substrate they with bury them selves just underneath Coral or will sit on top of the coral as pictured the whole 45 gal is like that.

5.a second pics that is from the same tank as #3






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The pictures you put up you have gravel. Was that pic taken in the day or night/evening. That’s when most like to come out. If it was a night pic try to take one during the day there may just be to many snails. There are other things that could work but I have not used them. They do make a larger white gravel. I have clown loaches in one of the larger tanks Iand the do well where they dig in the gravel more and hide form the loaches.I would say to look into dwarf chain loaches or yo-yo loaches. They need to be kept I school so read about them or ask if some that has them how go they work.

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On 10/30/2021 at 7:33 PM, Guppysnail said:

I like snails but if I seen that many in one tank I would faint on the spot 🤣 you must have some happy chubby loaches 🥰the tank with the loaches is the one wit the darker gravel. They use that moss to to graze on the trumpet snails. But prefer ramshorn and mystery snails best. The white crush coral we picked as many trumpet snail as I could that was about a year ago so it’s time I do it again or trace them  some feed or a fish or ytwo at LSF

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On 10/29/2021 at 11:42 PM, Jennifer V said:

@Brandon p thank you for the info! That's a bummer that they don't get into sand. I guess I'm changing my substrate! 

@Jennifer V I was thinking one way. If you want sand if you could use course black or dark sand it could work. I have some tanks with black course sand were it’s pretty big some might say fine gravel. . I got it from a aggregate company(sells sand and stone). I was a golf course superintendent and ordered 30-60dump truck loads of sand. I talked to my salesperson he got me about 100 lbs. so I don’t know the cost.  I try to do some research for you but if you need it soon you can always find a company online or maybe call a local call golf course and ask to speak to the superintendent, he may help.






This last one so how the different types of granite sand they is out there. Hope is helps if not no worries 


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