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Best Species for year round tubbing?


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Hey all, 

I’ve gotten addicted to breeding fish outside, so far I’ve only kept Bettas, endlers, ricefish, panda Corys and CPDs outside but would love to keep fish outside year round without using heaters, the coldest month of the year where I live is December with average highs being 68 f and lows being 44 f, does anyone have experience with species that would do well, I’m mostly interested in nano fish or fish that can live comfortably in 20 gallons. I’ve thought about experimenting with Hara Jerdoni, green Kubotai rasbora, glow light danio, clown killi, Dwarf rainbows and continuing to keep the CPDs and ricefish outside. I have several 20 gallon tubs, three 40 gallon and one 150 gallon.

Thank you for any suggestions,



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I have the same question- I'm in Northern California-ish. I am considering putting a heater in the tub just to keep it above 60*F on very cold days.I'm feeling saucy and might try putting my guppy culls out there, but I don't want to just condemn them to a slow death. So... yeah, still up in the air. I think cloud minnows are good choice, as mentioned above. Personally I love the gold version, but I know the long fins are very popular. But heck, the regular guys are cool too!

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Thanks for the responses, I have two tubs with the Platinum Ricefish and they seem really hardy haven’t lost a single one out of 22 so far and just transferred 16 of them to the 150 gallon tub today hoping to find babies in the tub they were removed from soon. Have you been able to colony breed them outside or do you need to separate the eggs in order for the fry to survive the parents?

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