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Planted 25 gallon half cylinder


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/23/2021 at 11:21 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@Solstice_LacerI love a good planted bowl and that is an excellent one! Congratulations on all the success with your colony of cherry shrimp. Lovely deep red color, what are you feeding them? I find hornwort to be an excellent plant for neocaridina, lots of surface area and they love to hang out on it. 

Thank you, they mainly eat aqueon shrimp pellets, and they always have Indian almond leaves. There's also lots of plants and wood to collect biofilm. I don't see wood mentioned a ton in regards to cherry shrimp, but they seem to love grazing on it and I wonder if it grows a specific type of yummy stuff for them.

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It looks like you have assassin snails in the 25, @Solstice_Lacer.  How often do you feed them?  I had some for awhile, but unless I fed them copious quantities of snails, they seemed to starve.  I'm thinking about getting some again now that I have a snail species that I can count on to breed like mad, but I'm curious about how you maintain them.  I feel like there had to be a better way than what I was doing. 

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On 12/26/2021 at 9:56 AM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

It looks like you have assassin snails in the 25, @Solstice_Lacer.  How often do you feed them?  I had some for awhile, but unless I fed them copious quantities of snails, they seemed to starve.  I'm thinking about getting some again now that I have a snail species that I can count on to breed like mad, but I'm curious about how you maintain them.  I feel like there had to be a better way than what I was doing. 

I think I have two, but I only ever see one. Idk if one died or is just extremely private. I've seen the one nibble on food I put in for the shrimp. And there still seems to be a few "pest" snails in my tank, so I may be lucky enough to have found an equilibrium where they breed faster than they can be eaten. I'm currently trying to breed some ramshorn snails to deal with some algae and provide additional food for the assassin.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Did you ever ask any fish? I just saw this same tank used on FB and was curious about what viewing would be like through the curved front. This looks great!

I have shrimp breeding happily in a tank with a few male endlers. Given the number of juvies I have as well as scuds, the endlers aren't an issue (I read females might eat shrimplets since they are larger).

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On 1/21/2022 at 10:43 PM, Jawjagrrl said:

Did you ever ask any fish? I just saw this same tank used on FB and was curious about what viewing would be like through the curved front. This looks great!

I have shrimp breeding happily in a tank with a few male endlers. Given the number of juvies I have as well as scuds, the endlers aren't an issue (I read females might eat shrimplets since they are larger).

I haven't added any fish yet, but I'm considering doing something similar. My lfs had some eye catching white moscow guppies, but I wasn't ready to get anything at the time. Do your males get along?

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On 1/22/2022 at 11:29 AM, Solstice_Lacer said:

Do your males get along?

I've got 4 males in a 2.5 shrimp tank/factory. There is some chasing, but they generally all just hang out together. Even though the tank is very small, it's heavily planted with lots of little retreats, so I've had zero issues. They've been super healthy active and add a lot of visual interest without bothering the shrimp at all. Given the number of shrimplets I'm seeing since adding shrimp in October, I'd say very few are being eaten if any. I'm actually considering finding females of one type and putting them in a different tank as a little colony, but we can't decide which of the males we most want more of - the assorted males from AH had a lot of variety.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Haven't updated this tank in a while. I moved my sword plants forward a bit. They are doing ok but not amazing. The hornwort on the other hand is a full on jungle, which the shrimp seem to enjoy. I also like the feature "tree" I made with anubius and moss growing on it. I need to actually try selling some shrimp soon. They seem to be breeding well in here. 




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great looking tank, very clean and natural looking, like you said, i know how difficult this style can be to work with. Very impressed with your healthy shrimp population, I'm still relatively new to inverts, and have yet reached that level. Question for you, your assassin snail seems to leave your shrimp alone, but do you know if they would take out trumpet snails? Id like to keep my pond snails in check, but keep my trumpet snail population healthy.

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On 7/19/2022 at 9:56 AM, Joey1991 said:

Great looking tank, very clean and natural looking, like you said, i know how difficult this style can be to work with. Very impressed with your healthy shrimp population, I'm still relatively new to inverts, and have yet reached that level. Question for you, your assassin snail seems to leave your shrimp alone, but do you know if they would take out trumpet snails? Id like to keep my pond snails in check, but keep my trumpet snail population healthy.

I've never had trumpet snails so I couldn't say. From what I understand they breed a lot but mostly stay under the substrate. Assassins also dig from time to time but Idk if they're as good as trumpets at digging. Also I think trumpet snails get a little bigger. And again from what I've read but not experienced, assassins tend to go after small snails unless there are several of them to team up on a big one.

So if you got one assassin, it would probably stay busy with pest snails rather than try to go for trumpets. That's just my un tested theory though, I would get more opinions before doing it.

Edited by Solstice_Lacer
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