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Gianne Club Talk Result : Ive started Wild bettas again

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Soooo I'm sure I'm not the only one but MTS post club meeting has hit hard on the mountain top.After that first talk my wild-type mouthbrooding betta need returned.

Fast forward 1 month and a few days later pair of Betta macrostoma growing outVideoCapture_20210826-173639.jpg.bca7750fb9c7a2ea7278777f43b84042.jpg, a Betta albimarginata 'Malinau' colony20210909_184306.jpg.b608602a3a5aabf8a74daf8e644297aa.jpg, and a Betta Antuta colony growing out20210909_201639.jpg.2ac7ba4746a3f6e2c9d38df5ac6f8bbb.jpg

2022 year of the betta up here


Forgot one part who else added betta after that talk? What did you add?

Edited by mountaintoppufferkeeper
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On 9/9/2021 at 9:07 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@mountaintoppufferkeeperJust got 15 corys after the last talk! Got a betta splendida/imbellis hybrid in a 3 g display. Club related MTS is for real. 8B45BDFF-0B0F-45B6-B3D7-AAA0924CE88F.jpeg.bae70371950bc8ec2dff4f4bf8818680.jpeg8B05B5D7-7CFC-4CA5-AD20-C63F96A4E950.jpeg.59752c72021c13f2346c4c2268206899.jpeg

Cool fish. I'm glad its not just me😁. I'm looking forward to the future meetings. Im expecting a new tank set up or reorganization of a few to accommodate club meeting additions or improvements to the fishroom 😏.

Luckily I just grabbed some Scleromystax C112 Baianinho II from Eric Bodrock prior to the . They are S.barbatus adjacent I'd say but in theory a little more black and gold when breeding. 


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  • 4 months later...

Gianne, Your name was given to me by one of the Co-Op members. Have you ever seen anything like this on a betta fish? Trying to figure this out since it appeared and progressed since January 4, 2022. It started as what appeared to be fluid filled cysts on Dexter's forehead area. More cysts devoped and ruptured. The scales in that area are raised. Any help would be graciously appreciated.






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Kanaplex at the beginning per suggestion by betta board member. Polyguard per suggestion. API General Cure on 1/21/22 and a second dose on 1/23/22 per API instructions.  Lots of IAL, water changes...and StressGuard.  


I spread these medications out as I know how hard they can be on fish. I'm not giving up. I love my betta-boy!


These are the medications etc. that I have on hand.


Thanks for any suggestion!!!



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@BettaMarine65 I looked (briefly) in the Diseases section but couldn't find your post there.

Depending on what exactly it is, aquarium salt may help.  If it's FHLLE, it's a long shot, though.

You have really hit him with a ton of stuff, haven't you? How long did you treat him with each of those?

For instance, did you go 6 days on the Kanaplex, then 2 weeks on the Paraguard, then 6 days on the API General Cure, etc.?

And, was all of this done in the same tank?

I'm wondering if changing the approach might be a good thing.


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Kanapalex max of 3 doses per instructions on box...dosed Jan 8, 10, 12. Jan 15 I put carbon back in to clear meds from tank+water changes.


API General Cure Jan 21 put 1/2 packet in 5 gallon. Jan 23 put 2nd dose per instructions. 


Polyguard Feb 3...woke up and he looked like he was pine-coning and very bright red colored. I took him out of tank and floated him in fresh water and he looked much better the next day. 

Yes, all meds in same tank. I have a hospital tank now.


Carbon was removed for both of these treatments. 

My original post in Fish Diseases...


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@BettaMarine65 okay, got it. That is a lot to hit him with.

Might be better to put him in a QT tank with 1 *teaspoon* of aquarium salt *per gallon* of water for a week, and watch how he does. That's probably the gentlest way to help him recover after dosing so many different treatments in succession.

If he doesn't show any signs of improving after a week, I might suggest a more gentle combination antibiotic & parasite treatment using Maracyn 2 and Ich-X together with the aquarium salt.

The Polyguard contains sulfathiazole, which is pretty toxic. Kanamycin is also pretty strong, and that API General Cure contains metronidazole, another very strong antibiotic, and the (again, strong) anti-parasitic, praziquantel. But, they are bounced over several days which works for some problems but not others.

Treatment with the erythromycin is daily over 7 to 10 days, small doses, no water changes, so the meds accumulate slowly in strength in the water. I've tried blending with food, but it's never worked for my fish (they won't touch it). Similarly, Ich-X (which treats more than Ich), is a low, daily dose, cumulative treatment.

None of this is guaranteed considering we don't actually know whats wrong, but it's possible that a slower, more extended treatment could work better. But, I'd only start it after he's had some time to rest after the barrage of other treatments.

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I agree...he's in his hospital tank with salt and seems to be doing ok. I'll follow your advice and keep him there for a week and see if healing progresses. 


Thank you for the medicinal explanations. I've only been a fish parent for about 1.3 years. I got Dexter by default(someone's work fish), but fell in love with the betta fish and want to learn as much as I can absorb.




One question...I only need to replace salt when I do the water changes in the hospital tank, correct? Amount of salt replaced per gallons on water replaced.



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  • 1 year later...
On 9/9/2021 at 7:48 PM, mountaintoppufferkeeper said:

Soooo I'm sure I'm not the only one but MTS post club meeting has hit hard on the mountain top.After that first talk my wild-type mouthbrooding betta need returned.

Fast forward 1 month and a few days later pair of Betta macrostoma growing outVideoCapture_20210826-173639.jpg.bca7750fb9c7a2ea7278777f43b84042.jpg, a Betta albimarginata 'Malinau' colony20210909_184306.jpg.b608602a3a5aabf8a74daf8e644297aa.jpg, and a Betta Antuta colony growing out20210909_201639.jpg.2ac7ba4746a3f6e2c9d38df5ac6f8bbb.jpg

2022 year of the betta up here


Forgot one part who else added betta after that talk? What did you add?

Hey! Any update on the bettas? Curious if the antuta are still a colony. I've heard differing things about their aggression

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The Betta antuta did not quite make the fishroom 3.0 up here. Once the puffer projects started producing pufferfish fry there was a reallocation of tank space and they were traded out as F1 adults.

Before being traded I did not notice anything too crazy. If it fit in their mouth it was food.

I did not have to break up the the group of 6 - F1 growing prior to moving them on. There were mulltiple males in their growout colony. There were never any split fins fighting or other damage in my group of F1 Betta antuta. 

The 6 on arrival eating repashy



Fast forward to grown out. 





The antuta were the second species in the complex ive kept the first being Betta macrostoma. 

I had two pair of macrostoma in 2018 also of the unimaculata complex like antuta.  The macrostoma needed the pair similar to avoid one going in the throat of the other when doing the test of strength display with the mouth gape.

I saved this male seperated the pair and the female jumped the diffuser divider to breed within 2 weeks. I kept them in a medium flow species tank. The macrostoma were run as one pair per 40 breeder for me. 

The post rescue from throat photos ...none the worse for wear


Courtship Display




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