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Let's start with the  swim bladder. most case of swim bladder are cause by over feeding and the stomach putting pressure on the swim bladder. constipation or bacterial infection of the swim bladder. Or an injury to the swim bladder. Frist I would recommend fasting your fish for a couple of days and doing epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 2   gallons for no more than 15 minutes 2-3 times a day as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxants to help relieve pressure on the swim bladder and help with constipation. if that has no effect then I would treat with antibiotic medication in food such as maracyn2 in food furan2 is not very effective at a higher  pH above 7.8 if your in the UK I would treat with Sera baktopur direct tables if it's a damage swim bladder caused by an injury it case of wait and see some will improve given time other will not improve and may have to be euthanize if you think there suffering clove oil is one of the most humane ways to euthanize your fish



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Columnaris is a gram negative bacterial infection. that can kill fish with in 24hr to a couple of days depending on which stain your fish has.  and spreads rapidly at temperature over 64 degrees.











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If you can't get holed of API furan 2 and kanaplex. AAP spectrogram is combined treatment containing kanamycin and nitrofurazone. or you can treat with AAP aquatronics furacyn and kanaplex together. or aquatics foods premium flake containing nitrofurazone with kanaplex. nitrofurazone based medication aren't shrimp or snail safe. as furan 2 has been discontinued you can use aquatics foods premium flake containing nitrofurazone. or jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone instead of API furan 2. if your in the UK and can't get holed of these I would treat with Sera baktopur direct tables active ingredient is nifurpirinol a broad spectrum antibiotic and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallons.

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I would recommend increasing the temperature two 82 degree to speed up the life cycle. and treat with ick x  it's  a very effective ich medication and aquarium salt 1 table for 5 gallons. as ich causes massive electrolyte loss salt will add back in  essential electrolytes. and it's shrimp and snail safe. if you can't get ick x I would treat with kordon ick rid plus it not safe to use with invertebrates. or API super ick cure it's not safe to use with invertebrates can be harmful plants as it contains acriflavine. or seachems paraguard not safe to use with invertebrates.  if your in the UK you can use Esha exit or NT labs anti-white spot&fungus and aquarium salt 1 table for 5 gallons. 

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Gill and skin flukes. The common cause of an outbreak of gill or skin flukes is over crowding poor water quality and polluted water frist. sign of flukes most people will notice is flashing.397996248_Screenshot_20210830-1615103.png.7d50ff527a9a09909b9ee47988c60ac0.png1894202806_Screenshot_20210830-1611225.png.8943165e373cea27f2458cf22d80b932.png1202237524_Screenshot_20210830-1613582.png.3ef799952dd55946594e5ce8e387ba73.png163223103_Screenshot_20210830-1605362.png.110e71a492e9bb08a157a25c061b1885.png

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I recommend treating with paracleanse or general cure in food  he's a food recipe  you can use with paracleanse and general cure and praziquantel powder  or treat with prazipro paracleanse or general cure every two weeks for three full courses of treatment if your in the UK Esha gdex active ingredient is praziquantel 326862441_Screenshot_20210811-0142192.png.95448f189e36e2c83c6d94ca579c359d.png  


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Anchor worms . Lernaea can be seen with the naked eye on your fish symptoms include flashing localised redness inflammation on the body of the fish white or red worms in the wound breathing difficulty  the most effective treatment is potassium permanganate bath dosage 5mg/Liter for 30 minute or 100mg/Liter for 5-10 minutes second bath 1g/Liter for 10-40 seconds or an indefinite bath 2mg/Liter  if you can't get potassium permanganate water life parazin p active ingredient is Diflubenzuron or Esha alx active is Lufenuron effective against anchor worms  aquarium salt baths are effective against some species of anchor worms 1table spoon for 1gallon for no more than 15 minutes 2-3 times a day or you can keep high levels of salt   in your tank for up to thirty days as the life cycle is between 18 and 28 days and high levels of salt stop anchor worm eggs from developing   if you have fish that are sensitive salt  I would recommend  treating with  potassium permanganate bath once a week as over use can burn gill tissue hikari has a product called cyropro for treating anchor worms   if you feel up to it you can manually remove anchor worms with tweezers this can cause tissue damage1839457148_Screenshot_20210830-1741512.png.87335b320c5ac05cdda12dc609a4e3f5.png1811581291_Screenshot_20210830-1740422.png.1fef687348f8c1a533208332dd4a45a5.png

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I have ich in one of my 29 gal tanks. I’m using ich x to treat & Following the instructions. If I treated again today it would be 5th treatment. There are butterfly loaches & ottos that still have spots the other fish appear to be clear. Luckily I had ich x on hand & began treatment as soon as I saw ich on my cherry Barb. How many day can I continue treatment?

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For treating intestinal nematodes and camallanus worms that cause wasting disease. one the most effective treatments is levamisole in food or you can treat the water column. if they are not eating it can take 3-4 course  of treatment to successfully deal with internal parasites.  you can get levamisole from select aquatics or you can get fritz expel p active ingredient is levamisole. if you can't get ether I would treat with fenbendazole in food. if your in the UK I would treat with Esha ndx active ingredient is levamisole. or JBL Nedol plus NT labs anti-fluke&wormer active ingredient is  flubendazole. and JBL Nedol plus aren't safe to use with invertebrates levamisole can effect have an effect on shrimp making them sluggish and it can be harmful to some  species of snail such as rabbit snails and mystery snails can have a reaction to levamisole.







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On 8/30/2021 at 6:52 PM, Iris said:

I have ich in one of my 29 gal tanks. I’m using ich x to treat & Following the instructions. If I treated again today it would be 5th treatment. There are butterfly loaches & ottos that still have spots the other fish appear to be clear. Luckily I had ich x on hand & began treatment as soon as I saw ich on my cherry Barb. How many day can I continue treatment?

I would treat for three days after the last visible spots have gone just to make sure 

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I would recommend treating with  maracyn2 in food and  ick x and aquarium salt to treat the water column also increased  water changes and gravel vac to lower the bacterial count in your tank if you can't get maracyn2 then I would dose the tank with kanaplex and aquarium salt 









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Being you are the treatment guru, what do you know about Tetrahymena? I have been treating a platy for what I thought was Columnaris for the past month or so. He has the typical white/grey saddleback patches. They are not cottony, so I really don't think it is fungal.

I have done 2 rounds of Triple Sulfa, along with 2 rounds of the Kanaplex/Furan combo. I have also added Maracyn 2 to food. There has been no improvement visually, and it hasn't worsened either. I am starting to think it is not Columnaris, but possible Tetrahymena....which I know nothing about.

Any help/opinion is greatly appreciated.

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If your fish had Columnaris I would have expected to have seen improvement with meds you have used Tetrahymena is found primarily  on haemorrhages in the skin or in lesions If your dealing with tetrahymena I would treat with yomesan by Bayer to dose in food add 100mg of medication to 100g of food for one week repeat treatment after 2weeks  can you take a picture am not convinced it tetrahymena as you usually get hemorrhages were the parasite burrows in the skin as well as the white patches that are similar to Columnaris  @quikv6

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Thanks Colu...I'll try to get you a pic tomorrow. Basically 3-4 white, dull streaks on an orange platy, on back and side. There isn't a shine to the fishes scales...looks like soft velvet. (The material....not the illness.)

I'll see if I can get a pic. Thanks for your insight, as always.

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On 9/1/2021 at 1:24 PM, indranil said:

Garlic is very important..most branded foods like hikari adds this ..it cleans the belly of fishes ..also internal parasites gets flushed out .

Vitamin A , D ,C,E addition with spirulina and garlic ..is itself an immunity booster .. immunity power is all needed ..only healthy immuned fishes responds to medicine..if your fish is week and catches disease ..less chance of recovery..

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Fungal infections are among the most common diseases seen in  fish. because fungal spores are found in all aquariums they can quickly colonize and create problems in stressed and injured or diseased fish. poor water quality can exacerbate the situation and lead to an increase in fungal infections in a seemingly healthy fish population. most fungal infections have the characteristics white fluffy appearance and are commonly known as cotton wool disease. as fungal infection worsen they may take on a Gray or even red appearance. most fungal infections only attack the external tissue of fish. most infections are usually associated with a preexisting infection or injury. fungi are present though out most aquarium but certain conditions increase out breaks of fungal infection such as poor water quality poor hygiene large amounts of decomposing organic Matter Sick or injuryed fish. another fungus is Gill rot is an uncommon fungal infection but if it does occur it can be deadly if not treated quickly an infected fish usually gasps for air and has gills that are covered with mucus and mottled in appearance. infection usually occur in stressed fish that are living in tanks with high levels of ammonia or nitrates1286519827_Screenshot_20210901-1307422.png.c3616fa0f7469c256f48de86db9e3c9a.png541064733_Screenshot_20210831-1952322.png.25637df967036d07038dc80b7c05c79f.pngmost effective treatments ich x treats saprolegniasis is an opportunistic water mould found on wounds API fungus cure active ingredient is Victoria green and acriflavine it can harm plants not safe to use with invertebrates epsom salt has excellent antifungal properties I would use in a bath depending on how bad the fungal infection is I would treat with 1 table spoon for 1-3 gallons for no more than 15 minutes 2-3times a day or you could add aquarium salt directly to the tank 1 table spoon for 1-3 gallons depending on the severity of the fungal infection  malachite green is another good treatment for some types of fungal infection you can also use methylene blue I would only use in a bath as it can damage plants and can severely affect your benefial bacterial API primafix and aquarium salt together make an effective combination for some fungal infection    API furan 2 or jungal fungus clear the active ingredient are nitrofurazone which is affective against against dermal fungus and potassium dichromate jungal fungus only has 18.4mg of nitrofurazone while furan 2  has 85mg if it's a choice between the two I would treat furan 2 if your in the UK you can treat with Esha 2000  or tetra fungi stop plus suggest treatment for gill rot is a prolonged bath in malachite green or cooper sulfate 


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On 8/30/2021 at 2:13 PM, Iris said:

Will do Thank you 

I’m out of ich x and should receive an order by tomorrow. Last & 5th treatment of ich x was 8/30/ I have ParaClense on hand, will this help & How long after use of ich x before starting a new med or should I continue with ich x? Today is day 2 without meds added. All fish are clear but 1 hill stream loach. 

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On 9/1/2021 at 6:42 PM, Colu said:

Fungal infections are among the most common diseases seen in  fish because fungal spores are found in all aquariums they can quickly colonize and create problems in stressed and injured or diseased fish poor water quality can exacerbate the situation and lead to an increase in fungal infections in a seemingly healthy fish population most fungal infections have the characteristics white fluffy appearance and are commonly known as cotton wool disease as fungal infection worsen they may take on a Gray or even red appearance most fungal infections only attack the external tissue of fish most infections are usually associated with a preexisting infection or injury fungi are present though out most aquarium but certain conditions increase out breaks of fungal infection such as poor water quality poor hygiene large amounts of decomposing organic Matter Sick or injuryed fish another fungus is Gill rot is an uncommon fungal infection but if it does occur it can be deadly if not treated quickly an infected fish usually gasps for air and has gills that are covered with mucus and mottled in appearance infection usually occur in stressed fish that are living in tanks with high levels of ammonia or nitrates1286519827_Screenshot_20210901-1307422.png.c3616fa0f7469c256f48de86db9e3c9a.png541064733_Screenshot_20210831-1952322.png.25637df967036d07038dc80b7c05c79f.png effective treatments ich x treats saprolegniasis one of the most opportunistic types of fungus found on wounds API fungus cure active ingredient is Victoria green and acriflavine it can harm plants not safe to use with invertebrates epsom salt has excellent antifungal properties I would use in a bath depending on how bad the fungal infection is I would treat with 1 table spoon for 1-3 gallons for no more than 15 minutes 2-3times a day or you could add aquarium salt directly to the tank 1 table spoon for 1-3 gallons depending on the severity of the fungal infection  malachite green is another good treatment for some types of fungal infection you can also use methylene blue I would only use in a bath as it can damage plants and can severely affect your benefial bacterial API primafix and aquarium salt together make an effective combination for some fungal infection    jungal fungus clear the active ingredient are nitrofurazone which is active against against dermal fungus and potassium dichromate if your in the UK you can treat with Esha 2000  or tetra fungi stop plus suggest treatment for gill rot is a prolonged bath in malachite green or cooper sulfate 


Above mentioned treatment is good .but water temperature is also determining factor..high temperature kills fungus 30degree celsius..but not all fishes can survive that high ..

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