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55 gallons, will house catfish and Gouramis and possibly keyhole cichlids. Looking for easy to grow plants to evoke a riverbed in Southeast Asia, but I’m not strict about making a biotope. I want to plant about 50% or more of the scape with floaters. I know I want crypts … but how many and what type??? HM.

how many plants would you purchase for this tank, knowing my wants? Which varieties?

I’m tentatively keeping this tank low tech but no promises since I inject CO2 into my 29 Gallon. I’d really love to have a low maintenance setup though…


Edited by laritheloud
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On 8/15/2021 at 12:26 PM, laritheloud said:

I'm considering trying an aponogeton in this one, too.

I am setting up a new tank that is 27 inches tall, so I am thinking about an aponogeton. Which variety is best? I am looking for more height and less hibernation.

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On 8/15/2021 at 1:45 PM, HH Morant said:

I am setting up a new tank that is 27 inches tall, so I am thinking about an aponogeton. Which variety is best? I am looking for more height and less hibernation.

Gosh, I'm still researching aponogetons, too. I'm not sure which one to try and also want height out of it. I'll see if I can find anything with some research.

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On 8/15/2021 at 3:05 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

I would shoot for 70% planted. And I highly encourage Hygrophila Polysperma. It's absolutely the best stem plant for low tech. Super easy to grow.


GORGEOUS. I wanted a hygrophila and wasn't sure what variety to choose. That's shooting to the top of my list.

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On 8/15/2021 at 8:56 PM, Solstice_Lacer said:

Also hornwort as a floater, but be aware it can shed needles.

Though imo it doesn't always float float; mine used to more or less "stand up" stretching from the bottom to the surface. Now they are resting at the bottom. I guess it depends on how fast it grows > how much oxygen it produces! I don't feed a lot.

Yes, they may shed! Cut off the parts that are getting brown to pre-empt. 👍

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