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My Anubias Bloomed !!!!!

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I swear it wasn't there yesterday and now it's here....wth....It's so pretty though. (full tank view it's the plant attached to wood front left corner). If any of my clever fish friends know which Anubias this is that'd be appreciated, it's the only one I've purchased that had no label. 





Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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@xXInkedPhoenixX Beautiful!  Not a speck of algae visible on that Anubias (or elsewhere in the tank), which is an accomplishment in itself!

How tall is that Anubias?  I’m no Anubias expert, but my best guess is it could be a barteri or a nana, but there are many similar varieties.

Edited by Odd Duck
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@Odd Duck Thanks much! It was a surprising find TBH. My lovely little horned Nerites, Lock Shock and Barrel are tremendous little roombas they are ALWAYS at work and they are SO small, I've seen them on every leaf in that tank. Partial credit also to BFG my zebra Nerite who seems a bit lazier. I think I've also hit the perfect lighting balance. As of right now the Anubias is only about 6" tall or so and has a good green root system reaching into the substrate from the wood. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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Might very well be nana then, if it’s only 6” tall.  I would expect barteri to get taller before it bloomed.  Hope somebody with more Anubias expertise can chime in for you.

I clearly need to get more horned nerites!  😆 Or maybe just better control of my feeding hand!

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@Odd Duck haha yeah I'm not an overfeeder. My fish get fed 1x a day, today that tank in particular (only 10 black neons) got 2 pinches of fluval bug bites. The tank has a small population of bladder snails I want to keep at a minimum- they weren't wanted but I've learned to appreciate the little squirts after they had a hard won battle with me trying to remove them. I waved the white flag. Of 5 tanks now only 2 don't have them. 

I have a Barteri in my other tank it has broader more heart shaped leaves so I didn't think it was one but I am certainly not an aquatic plant expert by any means I just 'trust the label". 

Honestly the more I've worked with them and my other clean up crew members (Otos, Mystery snails, Nerites) the more I am convinced the Nerites are the ones that do the most because once added the tank is magically much cleaner of algae and other debris. 

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On 8/8/2021 at 10:05 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

bladder snails I want to keep at a minimum

When the lights are out shine a small bright flashlight around the egg sacs show up super clear and are easy to remove. It helps keep mine in check in overfed fry tanks. They like glass hard surface decor underside of leaves heaters and a particular favorite seems to be the base of coop sponges. 

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On 8/8/2021 at 9:05 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

@Odd Duck haha yeah I'm not an overfeeder. My fish get fed 1x a day, today that tank in particular (only 10 black neons) got 2 pinches of fluval bug bites. The tank has a small population of bladder snails I want to keep at a minimum- they weren't wanted but I've learned to appreciate the little squirts after they had a hard won battle with me trying to remove them. I waved the white flag. Of 5 tanks now only 2 don't have them. 

I have a Barteri in my other tank it has broader more heart shaped leaves so I didn't think it was one but I am certainly not an aquatic plant expert by any means I just 'trust the label". 

Honestly the more I've worked with them and my other clean up crew members (Otos, Mystery snails, Nerites) the more I am convinced the Nerites are the ones that do the most because once added the tank is magically much cleaner of algae and other debris. 

I feed once a day, also, but that doesn’t seem to stop me from battling algae!

I agree on nerites, and I especially like the “marbled limpet” nerites with pea puffers.  They are so well covered and hold so tight, the little puffers can’t get to their body at all.  I’ve had them mow a clean row right through pretty heavy hair algae on wood - it makes it look like somebody with long hair randomly decided to shave a strip down the center!  They are less likely to work the sides of wood than the top, though, and they really prefer the glass.  Thorned will work all the sides of anything.

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  • 4 months later...

Well my Anubias in this tank seem very happy. My 2nd Anubias has bloomed- probably took it a lot longer to than the other because it's about 5 inches up off the substrate attached to the aquarium back wall with a suction cup. It's reached the substrate now and growing roots into it. Of all 5 of my tanks this is the only tank that has gotten blooms so far. 



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I have no clue. I have several in each of 7 tanks. All same parameters all suction cupped all same lights all same light schedule feeding etc.actually many are even the same placement  two have bloomed a few times in mom n dad BN pleco tank. The rest do fine but no flowers. I wish I knew. 

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