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First planted tank showcase/journal (29 gallon)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just wanted to let you know you have inspired a new aquarist. 
A friend I worked with in Las Vegas a few decades ago contacted me because they are setting up their first aquarium and wanted advice and ideas. It is a bow front like yours. I sent them photos of a bunch of planted bow fronts. She chose yours as the “blueprint” of what she wanted. She has this photo of your tank printed out hanging beside her tank to create her shopping list and look. Of all the photos she has been obsessively looking at yours captured her imagination. 🤗


Edited by Guppysnail
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  • 2 months later...

Well, ups and downs in this tank in the past months. I lost three adult white clouds from different causes. I've been checking water parameters and nothing has changed.

However, all 4 fry from the grow out bowl have successfully moved back to the big tank. 

I've rearranged things slightly. Have some cholla wood and a broad leaf bolbitis obscuring the filter/heater corner now. Bolbitis is sprouting babies. Salvinia minima doing well up top. Also have some red root floaters on the left coming in. Everything seems pretty to be going pretty well, minus the losses. 

I'm considering adding a panda garra but haven't decided yet. There's hardly any shrimp in this tank anymore so I'm not worried about conflict there.




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  • 8 months later...

Back after a lengthy absence. Things going pretty good in this tank right now. A little while ago successfully raised another baby white cloud, putting the current count at 14.

Also a little while ago finally did get a panda garra. It's been doing really well and I'm super happy to have him in the tank. Outgoing but not boisterous, and lots of fun to watch.

Plants have obviously changed a little, and I finally upgraded to led grow lights a little while ago. Still cherry shrimp and pink ramshorns doing their thing as well.




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  • 3 weeks later...

As usual once I take pics of my tank I feel compelled to re scape it. Went from 3 island to 2 island, and put all my big leaf anubius on the right. I've learned I like the look of similar plants being in big groups to make an impact. 


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On 3/25/2024 at 1:11 PM, Guppysnail said:

Just catching up on your journal.  Tank looks great as always.  I adore your garra. 

Thank you, he's an awesome guy. I actually just moved him a couple days ago to my other tank, because the minnows kept stealing his food pellets. He seems pretty pleased with the move.

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  • 5 months later...

State of the tank update. Where did the summer go? Currently the tank is going well, minus one egg bound female. I'll be starting Epsom soaks for her soon. For now she is acting normal. Everyone else is well.

The dwarf sag and Val have really come in, (with help from a few added clumps transplanted from the bowl where it grows crazy). I've also gotten a patch of pearl weed to take on the bottom right, transplanted clipping from the jar where it grows. And I moved in a baby amazon sword that was a runner from one of my big ones. Oh and I got a pothos from my mom which i popped in the top left just this week.


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