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I was part of a forum where a group was working together to get every one in the group to as many points as possible, by using up all their points each day and only ever giving them out to other people in the group.

The forum started limiting how many likes can be given to individual posts to stop it so they started making nonsense posts in the more obscure parts of the forum every time a post reached its limit.

When 20 people are working together like this and points equals actual forum power it can become very silencing if you have a different opinion.

I look at the like or thank you as a way to reduce unnecessary "Thank's for the advice" posts that bring a thread from 2 weeks ago back to the front page and just the like, thank you, heart, ect buttons are all that are needed for that.

Personally, I'd like to see the currency aspect removed and be able to like as many posts as I want, but i understand how it ties into the self moderation idea, and realize that it would be quite a bit more to it than just removing the points.

Edited by MattyIce
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I have no plans to change the way this works currently. The forums aren’t even done yet, you are participating in a beta version currently.

I do listen to feedback, however most forums aren’t run by a company with paid mods, a dev team and more. If we have bad actors that want to game the system, the answer is simple, I’ll just ban them. 

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14 minutes ago, Cory said:

I have no plans to change the way this works currently. The forums aren’t even done yet, you are participating in a beta version currently.

I do listen to feedback, however most forums aren’t run by a company with paid mods, a dev team and more. If we have bad actors that want to game the system, the answer is simple, I’ll just ban them. 

I appreciate that you're going into this venture with a lean, build-as-we-go strategy rather than a massive all-features-at-launch-let's-add-more-to-the-list! approach. From what I have seen, the latter results in meltdown and wasted functionality and the former lets you achieve natural growth with maybe more iteration but less overall wasted effort (I work in digital marketing/web dev so I get to see a lot of ambitious disasters).

Probably similar to aquariums. And oddly, very hard to sell as an approach. 


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