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Timed lighting and algae


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We have our 7 tanks on timers to turn on 15 minutes before my husband needs to leave for work. (6:30 a. m.). They are set to go off when we turn off all electric entertainment,(6:00 p.m.). We are getting a bunch of algae growth and even with the clean up crew some of the tanks are unsightly. I like to have the lighting on while Ray is home and awake obviously. Is it ok for the fish if I set the timer to go off for a few hours during the middle of the day. They are in well lit rooms. But I know I have heard Cory say that the algae growth could be from too much light. I would like to have them come on at 6:30 a.m. -8:00 a.m. and 12:00-6:00. Could that stop the algae invasion (at least slow it) with putting my fish in a scary (for them) situation? Thanks for any help.

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It can certainly help, and I've seen plenty of peole deal with algae that way. If you have the right lighting it won't scare your fish as a lot of high tech stuff slowly goes on and slowly off.

I actually added a dimmer dial to my lights (they could be programmed for less light intensity- I'm just too lazy to do it), that helped me. I just dialed back until I saw little algae growth but my plants are happy. My lights are on from 0845 to 1830 with a moonlight on until 1930. 

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Ah, hoodlighting (like small LED) isn't usually that intense so it should be fine for your fish and totally feasible that you can see if that helps your algae problem. Since though you don't have high tech lighting you could try the dimmer, a small 10 dollar investment- there are several out there I just find this one in particular easier to dial in so to speak, just make sure you have the kind of hood that has the wiring/adapter that can accomodate it.


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On 7/15/2021 at 8:48 PM, HisMineandOurs said:

We don't have the dimmer things. They just blink on. They are just the 55 gallon hooded kit lights that came with the tanks. But are you saying (in your opinion) that breaking up the lighting time would be nondetrimental?

Get the Kasa Smart Plugs (greatest thing since sliced bread) and adjust the total light time how you want with a siesta in the middle for when you're not home. The fish don't care, you can cut back algae and the plants do well. I run them with both kit hoods and LED lights.

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