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I cannot believe Purigen is this good!!!!


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On 7/1/2021 at 5:58 PM, Streetwise said:

Purigen is a synthetic substance that can absorb certain things, but it requires a very specific bleach regimen to recharge it. If you mess it up, you endanger your ecosystem.

True, but there are also other potential issues.  To understand these you have to understand exactly what Purigen does.

it’s easier to start with what it doesn’t do…

Purigen does not “neutralize” or “consume” nitrate.  Similarly it doesn’t act directly on ammonia or nitrite either.

Most people think that the nitrogen cycle starts with ammonia, but in reality there is another step in the process.  Bear with me as I try to explain.

There are three primary contributors to ammonia levels in the system.

The fish are directly responsible for most the of ammonia through the act of just existing.  Their normal biological process secretes ammonia, and this accounts for the majority of it in a normal aquatic environment.

Fish also urinate and defecate.  These waste products do not start out as ammonia, but are converted to it by less well known bacteria (as compared to the “beneficial types” most have awareness of).  Under normal circumstances, the amount of ammonia produced by this process is very small.

The third ammonia “source” is decay.  Uneaten food, dead plant matter, etc.  with the exception of a larger organism which has died, this is also a small amount.

So, here’s when we get to what Purigen does do…

As stated prior, Purigen cannot and does not act directly on ammonia, nitrite or nitrate.  But it can absorb organic waste products like urea (fish urine), feces and dead matter, reducing the amount of products that usually are converted to ammonia at a later stage.

Well what’s the downside to that?  Less precursor means less ammonia, which means less subsequent nitrite and nitrate.  Sounds ideal, right?

Well here is the potential downside (one of them, anyway).

When the Purigen’s absorption ability becomes exhausted (it’s not infinite) or you discontinue use, your tank will have a biological deficit. Because there was less ammonia (due to Purigen eliminating some of the normally present sources) there will be less beneficial bacteria already established that can do what we rely on them to do.

In essence, you will have to re-establish the normally functioning nitrogen cycle at a level that can handle the resulting increase in available ammonia.

This is an interruption in the normal “balance” of the environment, not caused by any natural means, but by direct human intervention.

In this game, less is always more.  The less you rely on artificial means of management, and the more you let natural process create balance, the better off your fish will be.



Edited by tonyjuliano
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Thanks for that information. This confirms what I’ve read and gives me more to think about. Basically I just wanted to see what it would do for clear water and lowering nitrate. I really wasn’t expecting much. What surprises me is that it keeps dropping. My theory is the major algae bloom and added light is making the plants remove it. 

Edited by Cherie
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On 7/1/2021 at 6:47 PM, Cherie said:

I rinsed it really well and it was a little powdery the first day. After that it was fine. Mine is in the prepackaged form. Are you using powder in your own bag?

I rinsed mine for 15 to 20 minutes until i thought there were no more particles, and I still got them through the bag. It's insane! 

In any case, I tried it once and I decided not to stick with it. I have some activated carbon in reserve 'just in case' I gotta medicate and remove it from the water quickly.

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My plan was for it to help me get on top of the nitrates and then see if regular water changes would keep me where I wanted to be. So if I use it until it’s “full” and then leave it until nitrates are trending up again would I have allowed the BB to build back up enough to remove it without disturbing the cycle? 🤔

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On 7/1/2021 at 7:00 PM, Cherie said:

My plan was for it to help me get on top of the nitrates and then see if regular water changes would keep me where I wanted to be. So if I use it until it’s “full” and then leave it until nitrates are trending up again would I have allowed the BB to build back up enough to remove it without disturbing the cycle? 🤔

This is hard to answer with any level of certainty, because it really depends on how much “normal” ammonia production was interrupted, which would be impossible to calculate.

But, rest assured, leaving it in place for a while after it has been exhausted should definitely not have any negative effect in itself.


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On 7/1/2021 at 5:29 PM, Cherie said:

Ah yes - I considered just pitching it and getting a new one to be safe. I’m hoping not to need it long term. 

This is my plan, too.

I got the same amazing nitrate results you did after adding Purigen. I plan to continue using it until my plants have grown enough to keep up with the critters. I'm in the middle of moving too, so reaching a balance that doesn't need Purigen's help is just not going to happen soon. As in, I'm not even trying at this point, because there's no point. After moving, and having time to get things established and balanced, sure.

When you don't need it, you don't need it. But if you do need it? Don't hesitate to use it. It's super helpful! I'm glad you found it.

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