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BioCube vs Fluval Flex

Adam W

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I have a small corner that I want to put a peninsula style tank in. I am considering a BioCube 32 or Fluval Flex 15 for this corner. What are your opinions on these two units? I'm not crazy about the plastic look of the BioCube but I can get more tank for the width that I have space for. I only have 26" of wall that I can take up. What are peoples thoughts on these two units, or do you have any other ideas on what I can get? I want to keep the look of the equipment clean and not visible that's why I am considering these two units.  Thank you for the response.


Edited by Adam W
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Tonyjuliano you are correct on the size. I edited the post. I also included a picture of the area that I want the tank to get a reference as to the style of tank. Maybe "peninsula"  is the incorrect description of what I'm looking for. I want the tank on the wall with the red mark and I want the majority of the viewing angle from the perspective of the camera taking the picture. 

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On 6/30/2021 at 1:46 PM, Patrick_G said:

I agree @ARMYVET, I have one high clarity tank and it’s really nice to have the better glass for a tank in the living room. In my cheap 75 gallon the front and side panels are of noticeably different quality. 

Landen also makes and AIO tank that is 23.62 x 17.72 x 15.75 inches I wanted that one but I just couldnt make it fit where I needed it lol.

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I would cruise some of the reef retailer websites and see what you can get as most reefers at that size go for all in ones. They ship In crates and it usually goes well. I think @ARMYVEThad a little trouble with Amazon losing the crate but that’s an exception and the second one they sent out worked out fine I think. 
I have a Flex 15. My wife got it for me for my Birthday December 2019. I like it. The chambers in the back are big enough to put a good amount of media. There are some good modifications online and some add ons You can find that people 3D print and sell for it. For me I’d love a bigger tank but it’s fairly easy to clean and manage. The stand is not ugly which helped with the wife. The light is pretty good and adjustable to some degree. There are some moss with people replacing with planted 3.0 and other lights if you are so inclined. you can always do upgrades or replace the pump. There are some reports of people not happy with the Fluval pump but I’ve not had issues. For fish that don’t like flow you can do some things to baffle the outake. 

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On 6/30/2021 at 2:27 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

I think @ARMYVEThad a little trouble with Amazon losing the crate but that’s an exception and the second one they sent out worked out fine I think. 

Yes ...the first one was later deemed undeliverable....which means they dropped and broke it.  The second one sent was flawless and it came in a beautiful crate that i kept and am using for all my aquarium supplies...LOL

The chambers are huge and I stuffed the first one with sponge...the second one has 2 lbs of ceramic media in a bag with the polishing pad and the 3rd chamber houses the return pump a 100ml packet of Purigen and digital temp probe that goes to a readout on the side of the tank.

This is the first all in one tank I have ever had and I have to admit I like it.  The water level in the tank stays constant and the return chamber drops with evaporation.  For a glass lid I spent 9.99 for a piece of glass cut at Lowes and it sits right on top. I glued a handle on it for ease.  My fluval 3.0 light sits right on the rim.  You look at it and would swear everything was just made to be together.  

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Seapora/Deep Blue/Aquarium Masters (same products), make some nice low-iron tanks of various sizes, many rimless. They are my favorite tanks besides my Askoll, which is a rare brand in North America.

I think sponge filters hidden behind plants and hardscape can let any tank look nice and minimal.

@ARMYVET, do you have a journal with your Landen? My Askoll has AOI features which are hidden in the hood, but it made the light front-biased, so I moved to a different configuration.

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