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Quarantine Tank Tips


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So I have learned the hard way that you need to quarantine fish before putting them into your community tank after a bunch of my tetras died (both new and old) in my 10 gallon. I’m going to set up a quarantine tank but I don’t have a big budget, I found a 10 dollar filter and 14 dollar heater on Amazon that I was going to use plus a plastic bucket that’s roughly 10 gallons. Can I leave the tank bare with only water? And if I do that, how long will it take to cycle just water in a bucket? Any other tips for quarantining? Thanks for anything you can add 🙂

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I find it preferable to have clear sides on the QT so you can see your fish better. It is better to take some filter media from another tank and use that. It is going to take you a really long time to cycle a bucket and usually you need a qt I’m a hurry. It is good to have some PVC or plastic plants or something for the fish to hide in for their comfort

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Bare bottom is preferable in a QT as it's easier to clean. Also having a non-aquarium as the tank can actually be better simply because you won't risk it becoming another display tank thus losing the QT. MTS is real lol. I keep a small sponge filter running in my larger tank so that I can transfer it to the QT when I need to set it tup.

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@sudofish I was planning on using a sponge for my QT too, but stupid question...if there ends up being an issue while the fish are in quarantine, what's the best way to disinfect the sponge/air stone? (returning from a 15 year hiatus and have never quarantined before, but definitely want to now)

@Remlicht89 literally just watched that video today 🙂 

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