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Water changes benefit plants OUTSIDE the house too!


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Check out these pics. That's our desert rose. It's usually FULL of the most beautiful pink blossoms. We've been pouring our water from the water changes into it for about a year now. It had grown in size & had kept us in blossoms almost year-round. See pic below. 

But this summer, instead of making blossoms,  it's been putting out seed pods! The seed pods pop open to reveal small seeds connected to white fluffy fibers (much like a dandelions). Each of those seeds will make another plant. Each pod holds 20 or more seeds. 

My husband counted the seeds pods this week are there were over FORTY of them on our plant. That is all from aquarium water!

Isn't it amazing how one thing benefits another? Creation is amazing! 




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When I was a teen and had fish tanks in my bedroom, right outside my window was our garden. I would run my python hose out the window and water the garden, and we always had tons of veggies that my mom would freeze or can. Now, my fish room is in my basement and it would be a lot more work to get the fish tank water out to the garden, also being the garden is quite a ways away, so I don't use it, although indirectly it does benefit my lawn as it gets pumped into my septic tank.

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I completely agree, I just recently changed my water change routine so that I siphon into a bucket.  My plants were doing OK before, but they are doing incredible now.  And the improvement was almost immediate, not like fertilizer that might take a month to see results.  It makes me want to change my water more often...lol.

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I've been doing this for quite some time too, I have annuals that have lasted a second year because of watering with the tank water. I have a Christmas cactus that I've had for 4 years and before tank water it would barely grow one new leaf in 3-4 months. In the span of a year it's grown a full 6 inches taller and is about as big as a basketball around. It even had it's first flower bud...sadly I found it cause I moved my curtain behind the plant and knocked it off before it had a chance to actually bloom. I'm hopeful the colder weather in the next few months plus the fish water give me many more so I can finally see it bloom. My outside plants love it too, my citronella plants are as big as bushes and I've had to cut them back twice this year, my wandering jew has quadrupled in size and even my creeping jenny withstood the summer temps of over 100 here in full sun. Fish poo water is the best plant food I've ever found.

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