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Humane way to kill snails?


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Hi, I've heard of an alum dip for plants to deal with snails, although I'm not sure how the snails would feel during it? (I haven't tried it, although I've heard from Irene at Girl Talks Fish that it works for snails without a trapdoor, however those with one seem to just close it, and they manage to survive so it would probably depend on the species of snail.)

Edited by FlyingFishKeeper
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How much gravel are we talking....how about boiling water...would kill them instantly.  

Just wondering why you are disposing of the gravel with the snails?  Maybe you could do an outdoor pond with the gravel and have snails and some guppy grass floating....small fountain and it would look great all of less than 50 bucks.  Just a thought.

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I would think if the water is boiling heavily they would be killed instantly ....you would have to do it in batches depending on the pot size.  SO yes a couple of hours...I know you are pressed for time.  Bleach would kill of pretty much everything if its strong enough of a solution and allowed to soak overnight....You would be starting with a completely sanitized tank in the new place. 


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On 6/12/2021 at 10:40 AM, ARMYVET said:

I would think if the water is boiling heavily they would be killed instantly ....you would have to do it in batches depending on the pot size.  SO yes a couple of hours...I know you are pressed for time.  Bleach would kill of pretty much everything if its strong enough of a solution and allowed to soak overnight....You would be starting with a completely sanitized tank in the new place. 

Boiling is currently sounding like my least-bad option. 😞 

If bleach would require much time, then that means they suffer for hours, but I guess that's better than suffering for days or weeks in the trash. 

(The tank the gravel is in will actually be given away - hopefully tomorrow. The replacement tank will have bacteria and microfauna that I'll be diligently keeping in a couple of small, easily-moved containers. So that particular issue won't be too bad.)

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Well, boiling would do it. It would be near instant. An outdoor pond is a very bad idea as the snails are not native and dependent on weather could become invasive. Scattering it in a driveway would likely work and get picked over by birds... Know anyone with chickens? If the gravel is a Crayola color that might not be attractive outdoors... Bleach will likely kill most, but mts are tough. Heat is your best bet. Oven?

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On 6/12/2021 at 10:48 AM, Brandy said:

Well, boiling would do it. It would be near instant. An outdoor pond is a very bad idea as the snails are not native and dependent on weather could become invasive. Scattering it in a driveway would likely work and get picked over by birds... Know anyone with chickens? If the gravel is a Crayola color that might not be attractive outdoors... Bleach will likely kill most, but mts are tough. Heat is your best bet. Oven?

I don’t think they would be invasive because snails are a natural food source for fish and birds. 

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On 6/12/2021 at 10:48 AM, Brandy said:

Scattering it in a driveway would likely work and get picked over by birds... Know anyone with chickens? If the gravel is a Crayola color that might not be attractive outdoors... Bleach will likely kill most, but mts are tough. Heat is your best bet. Oven?

I'm urban, so there aren't any gravely areas, nor chickens - and it's Crayola-colored anyway. 

I wondered about the oven. I'm concerned that if the gravel absorbed water, I could get exploding rocks. Any insight on that?

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On 6/12/2021 at 10:57 AM, ARMYVET said:

Any way to have the person who is taking the tank ...take the substrate and rehome the snails?  They will need substrate for it after all.    Just trying to find a way of not killing them.

I offered, but he didn't answer yet, and I've got to get the tank emptied today. Until he actually picks up the tank tomorrow, I can set the gravel aside in water, but that's my time limit. 😞 I've gotta get the WHOLE house ready to sell and move.

Edit: He texted right after I posted this. Can't take the gravel. Gotta find a way to kill the snails. 

Edited by CalmedByFish
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I would put the gravel in a bucket with the tank water and wait for him to get the tank and offer him the substrate....I would almost guarantee he would take it.  I know I would because of the expense of substrate even if I didn't want the snails it would be my problem to deal with and you in the clear conscious wise.  I am happy to see you are truly worried about their wellbeing!

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On 6/12/2021 at 11:16 AM, ARMYVET said:

I would put the gravel in a bucket with the tank water and wait for him to get the tank and offer him the substrate.... I am happy to see you are truly worried about their wellbeing!

He actually just replied. Doesn't want the gravel. (I'm very grateful I can give my tank to a good person though.) 

So I guess that brings me back to boiling, bleach, or the oven. 


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Ok. Here's what I would do. I would put the drained gravel in a foil pan in a cold oven. Cover with foil. Then I would set the temp at 350 degrees. At the end of the preheat cycle I would shut it off and leave the door closed. Let it cool. Repeat in batches if necessary. The snails will die in under 10 min, and any rocks that pop should be fairly contained, and you have enough to do. This is a bit easier. Could be a little smelly.

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