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Amano Shrimp

Ben Mills

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Hi- I just got 6 new Amano shrimp yesterday and added them to a 20gal. I have other fish in the tank such as cories, neon tetras, GBR, kuhli loaches, mollies. It is also heavily planted. Is there a way to get my Amano shrimp to come out more often?


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8 minutes ago, Ben Mills said:

Hi- I just got 6 new Amano shrimp yesterday and added them to a 20gal. I have other fish in the tank such as cories, neon tetras, GBR, kuhli loaches, mollies. It is also heavily planted. Is there a way to get my Amano shrimp to come out more often?


Patience, lol. I have 6 Amanos in my 29 gallon and they all either have a party under the Java Moss or behave like they're king of the heater.


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