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Weather loach acting weird?

Zachary Brown

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Today I bout 2 5 inch weather loaches. They seemed to be doing fine in the bag, but since then they have been acting strangely. Extremely lethargic, also one seems to have its back half float up. One also will lay on the bottom, and slowly start to tip over onto its back. 
7.4 ph

55 gallon aqurium

70 degrees.

only other fish are 6 Australian rainbows and a freshwater flounder.

please help.

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I believe he meant between 0 and 0.5. 5 would be deadly and i doubt it would make it to the next morning. Still 0.5 is not great as loaches are pretty sensitive and as @colu said you should use prime to detoxify. For future purchases most loaches really require a well established tank. If your tank is new and not established try something like swordtails or guppies for at least 5 weeks. 


if your tank is established and your nitrite and ammonia are both above 0 then well there is something wrong....

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Thank you guys for all y’all’s helpful advice.

Ive had this tank set up probably since November. I just tested my water and ammonia and nitrate don’t seem to show up on test strips. Any thoughts on how to fix a swim bladder issue, or do weather loaches act similarly to clown loaches. Due to the fact after you mess with them, they shoot right back down like nothing happened.

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9 minutes ago, Zachary Brown said:

Thank you guys for all y’all’s helpful advice.

Ive had this tank set up probably since November. I just tested my water and ammonia and nitrate don’t seem to show up on test strips. Any thoughts on how to fix a swim bladder issue, or do weather loaches act similarly to clown loaches. Due to the fact after you mess with them, they shoot right back down like nothing happened.

I don't think it is swim bladder I would do a 50% water change and see if they improve something could have got in to the water

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When my Dojos graze the surface and gulp a lot of air, sometimes they take in too much. Dojo loaches are pretty well known for their floating butts. It will usually correct itself within a day or 2. If it doesn't, I take them out of the water and place then in a container for a minute or so, and it helps them expel the excess air. Yes, Dojo loaches fart, and that's what a back end floating dojo needs. 

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I feed mine various pellets by hand under water to keep them from pigging it up at the surface for everyone else's food, that's helped it from happening so often. I think they really like the special attention anyways. 

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Give them a couple of days to adjust. I would not do an immediate water change if you have a regular water change schedule. I'd give them some peace and quiet. Most loaches have a bit of an odd behavior to them including weather loaches (which are extremely sensitive to change in pressure hence their name).

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