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Do you quarantine new shrimp for your tank?


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Hi there!

This is more of a hypothetical question, as I haven't purchased shrimp yet (though I plan to get about 5 amanos for my 29 gallon in the future). I am aware that shrimp tend to prefer well-established tanks and they are sensitive to changes in their environment. Do you quarantine new inverts like shrimp for a month like you do with fish? I'm concerned this might do a little more harm than good since a quarantine tank would be hastily set-up and not 'well-established' like my main tank.

I just purchased my first 10 gal quarantine tank this week after a run-in with fish disease, and I'm trying to plan ahead. Thanks!

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I quarantine everything that comes into my possession, what I would do is have the 10 gallon set up for a while and maybe quarantine some fish first before you bring the shrimp to quarantine. You could also bring some moss or something covered in algae to help too with the quarantine. I find as long as they have something to graze on they should be fine. Maybe a slice of cucumber so they can constantly eat. 

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19 minutes ago, Stealth Aquatics said:

I quarantine everything that comes into my possession, what I would do is have the 10 gallon set up for a while and maybe quarantine some fish first before you bring the shrimp to quarantine. You could also bring some moss or something covered in algae to help too with the quarantine. I find as long as they have something to graze on they should be fine. Maybe a slice of cucumber so they can constantly eat. 

Oh that's a great idea! I have plenty of moss in the main tank and I'm about to add Java Moss. I can let it all grow out for a bit and transfer trimmings into the quarantine tank, set it up in advance. I'm starting an extra sponge filter in my 29 gallon for quick BB transfer when the time comes.

Thanks for the ideas, this helps a lot.

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 I problem! I’m still a new fish keeper, (1.5 years) but I sell cherry shrimp for profit and that’s how I quarantined them when they came in. The Armani’s in my main tank just need to eat all day. That’s why an established tank is good. Let’s all the micro organisms grow on stuff for them to pick out all day. 

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  • 7 months later...

Hi @laritheloud.  I am considering whether/how long to quarantine some incoming shrimp, and just wondered if you had any updates on how your experience went?  Did you end up using any meds proactively?  I've ordered some tank-bred neocardinas and plan to add them to my one and only tank eventually (planted, with Amanos, Kuhli loaches and tons of snails).


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From what I've read, shrimp and fish don't usually share diseases.  So, when I added shrimp to my fish tank, I did not QT the shrimp.  If I were to add additional shrimp to the already established shrimp population (which I've avoided doing) I'd QT those without meds and just watching for any signs of disease.

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On 12/8/2021 at 1:48 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

I QT everything livestock and hydrogen peroxide dip all plants.

Detour: I learned the hard way to quarantine/dip plants. I recently bought a plant that had Hydra. That same darn plant went into what was/(may still be) the home of my neocaridina shrimp. I was also an idiot and put planted substrate (controsoil) in that same tank but that's another story all together.

Back on track: I'm on the quarantine train. Just watch them, no need to medicate. Learn about shrimp specific issues though so you can keep an eye out for those while they're in quarantine.

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