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  1. Background info: I feed my fish 4 or 5 times a week, and they get almost exclusively live foods. If my cultures are low or for whatever other reasons then I will either skip a day or give them freeze dried bloodworms. I culture algae to feed my otos. My black neon tetras will try to eat anything that moves, so I don't worry much about the specifics with what to culture for them. But without realizing it my pygmy cories end up eating less than my other fishes. I feed them sinking pellets but even the smallest ones I can find barely fit in their mouths. so, I culture daphnia for my pygmy cories, as this seems to be the only live food they can eat. Otherwise I will make up repashy gel food. The issue with daphnia, however, is they don't sink, but rather swim and move, and then my black neons eat them first. So, tl;dr - is there a sinking live food that is small enough to fit in a pygmy cories mouth? I culture pot worms, but this is a slow process and can only harvest some once or twice a month. Sometimes I've given small earthworms, but even the smallest ones seem a tad too big. Any advice?
  2. Is there a secret to feeding Xtreme Sinking Wafers? I have had no luck getting my Bristlenose plecos to eat these. I have the parents and over a hundred growouts in a tank together, and the Xtreme Sinking Wafers are the last food eaten in the tank. The plecos love French cut green beans, zucchini, Hikari Algae Wafers, and any leftovers from the other fish. I am going to move on to another sinking food or go back to Hikari if I cannot get the plecos to eat these more readily.
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