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  1. First time here, just wanted too share my day and pictures with everyone.
  2. I’m up in the fabled hometown of The Office, “Dunder Mifflin Inc” paper company. Scranton, PA is my actual original hometown. I decided to visit a small Aquarium & Reptile Exhibit that’s been running here for a few years, located inside of what used to be called the Steamtown Mall. The exhibit has a fairly balanced mix of display tanks / featuring (1) Reptiles & Amphibians (2) Marine Life (3) Freshwater Fish It is a small, privately run enterprise — nothing on the scale of huge Eastern US Aquariums in TN, NC, etc. But for what it is, it’s worth a visit. REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS Found a few tetras inside the frog water Axolotl, for those obsessed with them… Cool Chameleons… Big monitor lizard… Mini caimans were very funny… MARINE LIFE Nice entrance to ocean exhibit… Lone fish ruling over the closed “touch pool” exhibit… FRESHWATER Now, since most of us are all freshwater NERMs, I took more time here… few videos… more observations… There was one tank that just seemed to have “monster fish” theme — everything out of context… Arowana + Arapima + Alligator Gar + Catfish… There was a hallway with “River fish” — again, mixed origins — that swam overhead… Here’s a video of an electric eel tank with tons of tetras… Here’s a video of an assortment of African cichlids, all mixed together. Notice all of the Brichardi (?) fry… Here’s a video of a random freshwater blend, featuring Congo Tetras, Angelfish, a colorful Geophagus Tapajos (?), etc… And here’s an Angel tank with an African Calvus tossed in… and a few other misc. fish… On the whole, in review, the features display the kind of random assortments and combinations that would make The Office maven Michael Scott swear this is WORLD CLASS!! But discerning aquarists will snicker. Still, it was fun to see! I took more photos of different things, but for now I’ll post this much.
  3. We took a trip to the Point Defiance Aquarium. She was super excited. She meet a couple of volunteer aquarium nerms about her age. Now she’s thinking of volunteering herself!
  4. Has anyone ever been? I'm driving down to FL with the family, and this is a possibility to stop along the way. I'm asking, as my family of four would be about $100 to go. I've been to other aquariums; so I understand it's typically expensive. However, I've never had to pay this much. Is it worth it?
  5. Apart from the Tanganyika thunderdome tank, I was extremely impressed with the selection and layout of it. The whale shark tank was absolutely stunning and the freshwater layouts were inspiring. General public aquarium discussion is welcome here or the Georgia Aquarium in particular.
  6. My family and I recently visited the aquarium here in Oklahoma. I took a few pics. Could have taken a lot more but I am a terrible photographer and normally take shaky ones. The cichlid tank was packed. I cant remember what type of fish this one was but thought he looked super cool. Some kind of Pike maybe? I dont know. Always cool seeing a large Arowana and Red-Tailed Cat. Bonus albino Red-Eared Slider.
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