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  1. Hey all!!! I got this from a local shop about 2 years ago. It was supposed to go outside into my guppy tub in the summer (it was sold to me as a floating pond moss)..welllllll it never made it that far lol but it's been thriving in my aquarium! Such a pretty green, too! It lays flat on the surface, and has formed basically just one sheet of it. But I cannot for the life of me remember what it is called! Anyone have any ideas?!
  2. Hello I just got this plant from the discount section from my local store, I'm not sure why it has amazing roots 🙂 I forgot what the employee said it was. Does anyone know what it is? It looks like a rhizome plant to me but I'm not sure. I'm wondering if I should bury these roots or not?
  3. This appears to be growing from my Amazon sword. It is shooting straight up and pressed against the glass lid. Is this a spike that will later be a baby Amazon sword? Or something else? Pretty curious. 1st photo is with the glass lid and 2nd is without the lid.
  4. I bought this plant from petco lemon bacopa any idea if the name is accurate, it doesn’t seem like the right plant when I Google it.
  5. Before I discovered Aquarium Co-Op I was purchasing plants from other sources. I believe the plant in question was purchased from PetSmart. However looking at the receipt for the name of this plant was no help. Would you please help me with identifying this plant. I would like to purchase more. Of course, this time from Aquarium Co-Op.
  6. Does anyone know what this plant is? It reminded me of guppy grass that I’ve seen on some YouTube videos but I’ve never seen guppy grass in person before so I’m not sure.
  7. I can't remember what this stuff is. I think it was in my very first ACO order years ago, and I hadn't made an account yet so I can't look it up in my order history. I thought it was dwarf chain sword but seeing someone else's made me reconsider. What do you think it is? Grassy stuff on the left.
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