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  1. So after upgrading my 5g to a 15g I've started to get ALL the algae. my rocks have some kind of green. I'm seeing a bit of thread algae, some that may be black beard, i cut that leaf off and burned it, and green spot. I'm guessing I should lower my light. I'm running what was advertised as PAR 60 light from NICREW, given the brand isn't one of the top end it may be lower in reality. I can press some buttons and dim my light or adjust my timer from 10hr to say 8hr. Is there a better option of the two? I realize to first approximation 80% intensity or 80% period is the same photons/day but nothing in the world is actually linear and I wouldn't expect plant/algae growth to be linear either. My gut says shorten the period because i want to get higher light all the way to the bottom to the montecarlo I'm attempting to grow. But I'd like to hear thoughts from others. Either way I'm going to also split my photo period so I can have more enjoyment while I'm home. I'm also considering "liquid carbon" but there's a warning saying val is sensitive, though I don't know what "sensitive" really means in this case.
  2. I'm planning a nano tank (6.5 gallons) with nanofish and snails. I want it to be low to mid light (with a black background and dark substrate, nice and dramatic) and I'm also a big fan of absolutely jam-packing tanks with plants so they help manage fish waste. However, most low-light plants I can find are rhizome plants, and I'm worried I need more root-feeders to help with the waste that settles in the substrate. The complete plant list I'm planning on including is: 3-4 dwarf lillies, 2 anubias barteri, 2-3 anubias gold coin, 2-3 crypt tropica, and a whole bunch of crypt parva. Is this line-up ok or do I need to find more low-light root feeders?
  3. Alright I have this empty 10 gallon. It was one of the starter kits that came with little led lights and a filter. I am planing on setting up a "breeding for profit tank" (i know there isn't much profit involved, so its more for fun). I plan on putting mollys and cherry shrimp. I would like to keep these lights that came with the tank even though I know not many plants will thrive under those conditions. Here are the plants I was thinking about -Hornwort -Cryptacorne Wendetii -Moss -Possibly Anubius What do you guys think? Are these plants require more light? Here is the starter kit: https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/tetra-complete-led-aquarium-kit-10-gallon/6000187104461?cmpid=sem_google_en_pla_none_6530281610_83783310932_None&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=CjwKCAiAu8SABhAxEiwAsodSZOBmNBnUF7KgV2gLLbwHIGL_t1wG7xm8XnM_NDDjTl9bKSbn8v0-shoCQUIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds The lights are just two small led lights.
  4. Hi everyone! New to planted aquariums. I want to add some plants to my betta tank. It is a 10 gallon divided tank. With that, I have only 5 gallons to work with. How many plants can I put in? Any recommendations? Was looking at java fern, anubias, and I have 4 moss balls already. I just do not want to buy too many and not have room for them. Plus plants grow and fill in the tank correct? I hope someone can point me in the right direction. Should I get one java fern and one type of anubias? Qas also looking at Cryptocoryne Lucens. I should also mention they need to be low light plants. Thanks! I already have the easy green all in one fertilizer. Thanks a million, Brittany
  5. I’ve just got a bunch of Subwassertang delivered - I thought it would be all attached together a bit like a moss or guppy grass but it is all different sized clumps. I’m not sure what to do with it? I can’t ‘plant’ it and I’m sure sure how I’d tie all the little bits to something, any advice? I’ve currently just lodged it in my spider wood 😅 Thanks in advance!
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