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  1. Today I transferred 10 fish from a one month quarantine tote to the display tank but upon viewing them through glass, 2 are clearly sick. Does this look like fungus or something else? One fish is affected on the body and another has a spot on the head. During quarantine they had paracleanse followed by Level 2 salt.
  2. Hello. I'm having trouble with a 2 batches of emerald corydora fry I've hatched out. The first batch hatched on the 8th of April and the second batch batched on the 28th of April. The first batch were doing pretty well until I added both batches to a 20 long aquarium. The 1st hatch was in a 10 gallon and the second hatch was in a 2.5 gal both with sponge filters. The 2.5 had high nitrite levels and a high amount of fry so I moved them both over to a 20 long and the 2nd batch of fry are dropping like flys(I've lost over 60 fry since the move) and a few of the smaller fry from my first batch are showing clamped fins. I feed and remove food from the rank 2x per day. 76 degree temp 0 ammonia 0 nitirite and 10 nitrate in tge 20 long. I have 2 small and 1 medium sponge filter in the tank. I have ich x, API erythromycin and jungle fungus clear on hand to treat them but I'm looking for advice. The bodies I remove all have a white film on them and yesterday I found a fry from the 2nd batch with fuzzy white-clearish build up on its tail. Help please!
  3. Ignore the bloating. He just binged heavily on live brine shrimp. Do you think this is fungus? I have on hand: quarantine trio salt Empty quarantine tank 2nd pic, brine shrimp chomp in progress Sorry for the sediment, I moved some stuff around and stirred up the substrate!
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