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  1. I was gifted a ten gallon aquarium today! (oh gosh, this might be a problem - watch out mom and dad! the fish obsession has been fueled EVEN BIGGER!) Obviously ten gallons is a bit small for any big fish. But I would like to have some "oddball" stocking in there. I was thinking African dwarf frogs, but I personally feel it's a little small for them. So any nano stocking recommendations? I wouldn't mind a species tank either. I also wouldn't mind paludarium / vivarium either (I would actually prefer this, but again, an aquarium is good too :3 ) !!! My domestic water supply has the water parameters of 6.8 - 7.4 || dGH 8 || dKH 6 ... I do not have the means to change these substantially, but ofc I could raise the pH with crushed coral. Thanks for helping!
  2. Hey everyone, My name is Jay and my friend Lindsay has been caring for ADFS for many years now. the current tank is a 10 gallon with lots of artificial plan life and little cave like rock enclosures. the residents of the tank are 1 ADF (female) , 1 Betta (Female) 1 golden mystery snail (sex unknown) and one tiny black snail that only comes out at night (breed and gender unknown) Lindsay adores her frogs and her aquarium, and is diligent about things like water levels, overfeeding, and any issues that may arise. Recently (Maybe 2 to 3 days ago) her ADF blew up like a balloon, I am not a vet or even a frog guy, but today I took these photos. I am hoping some of you "fish nerds" can recognize this. Is it dropsy? can it be fixed, is there something inside the frog. I did my best with the photos, hopefully someone has an "aha moment" and maybe we can save this little gal. Currently she is floating to the top, getting air then forcing her way under plants to stay submerged. Thank you to all eyes on this, and feel free to move it if its in the wrong spot, i did watch the welcome video Cory, but tbh this is an emergency.
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