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  1. I might have a solution for getting a good start for plants that I will want to move later or rooted plants in my bare bottom breeder tanks and It occurred to me that this might be a solution for fish who like to dig up plants as well. This is just one of those free pantyhose socks from the ladies shoe store filled with aqua soil and water sprite. Dose anyone else have a plant solution like this? Has anyone tried something like this only to have it fail and if so how?
  2. Hi guys, I was wondering if someone has any advice. I have a 36 gallon with 1 betta, 12 neons, 5 pygmy cory's, 2 Myers hillstream loaches and 3 assassin snails plus pest snails that are slowly going away. Something keeps digging up any plant I put into one particular corner. They'll leave the other plants alone but for some reason my fish don't want plants in that corner. Any advice?
  3. My bristle nose pleco is rearranging the scape I just set up. She has uprooted all of the scarlet temple and dug pits out with her tail. Anyone else have a rescapeing fish?
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