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  1. While on vacation in San Francisco, I got a chance to visit the Ocean Aquarium fish store. The owner there was very nice and told us told us lots of information on how to keep maintenance low in the hobby with deep gravel substrate. We picked up a few bags there and now have to replace the black sand in my 20 gallon with the gravel we bought. I don't know if we should take the fish out or replace it with the fish in. We have corydoras, green neon tetras, a honey gourami, 2 nerite snails, and a hillstream loach. If anyone has done this before, could you help me what to do?
  2. Need some Advise on Changing My Sand Substrate To The Black Sand Substrate How should I Change That out Without Over working the Process?
  3. Hello everyone! This is my 10 gal tank. I wanted to change the substrate from this weird white imaginarium stuff to more natural colored sand but something that will still easily grow plants. Any suggestions? Also I have the fluval 3.0 15in lamp, would that be considered medium light or high light? Thanks!
  4. so i added some pea gravel to my 10G planted and i removed so much moss and I've notice my pygmy cories and neon tetras are significantly more active does anyone have ideas on what's going on? also i know it will raise hardness
  5. Hello all! I have a 125 gal tank and my substrate is black sand. I found my love for aquatic plants recently and have around ten plants growing in the sand. I want them to thrive and feel like I would need a better substrate. I’m curious if I could just add Carib sea eco complete to my sand instead of changing out the entire substrate in my established tank?
  6. Hello! I'm thinking about planting the left-hand side of my 75 gallon. The right side is dirted, performance hasn't been anything to complain about, but pulling up runners of crypts is...not good. Makes a big mess. SO! If the left side gets planted, I don't want to go with straight dirt. I was thinking of either siphoning out the sand, adding aqua soil, then capping with the sand as the buffering capacity doesn't matter much to me, it would be more to add a layer of nutrients for roots. The other option is to just deepen the sand layer and utilize root tabs - but that seems like it would be inefficient in the long run. I can dose the water column but would like to keep it simple. What do you all think? Here's a picture for reference.
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