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  1. Where did this notion that they eat plants come from? I have them in 2 planted tank. Both schools of 12. My friend also has a school of 25 in his 125 planted tank. Not a single plant in either of our tanks has ever been touched. Between the 3 tanks there is every kind of plant you could think of. Swords, stem plants, floating plants, crypts, ferns, moss. Seriously a smorgasbord of plants and none have been touched. Any thoughts? Also our fish are from different suppliers if they makes any difference.
  2. Hello. I have a mixed tropical tank. Water parameters are all good. Ph a little high at 7.8. But steady. I had mollie die a few weeks ago, then a dwarf Gourami got sick could not stay upright swimming and quit eating. Put him in breeding box and he finally died. Nothing wrong when looking at him. Now i have a larg Buenos aires tetra that did same thing and kind of pine conning and tail is rotted looking. But she looks very bloated. Curious if you have any idea what could be going on. Leaning towards internal paracite. Please mote I do have clown loach in the tank, and its a 60 gal tank.
  3. I have a 30g cube tank for 10 BA tetras and 13 neons, with some snails. I have a soil layer then gravel and then drift wood with some plants glued with others planted in gravel and soil. It doesn’t matter what I feed my Buenos Aires tetras or how often, they with chomp on the plants and roots. Any ideas to stop this?? I am trying to cover the tank in plants so the neons feel free to swim to the top. I’m at my loss with these BA tetras for over 6 months. Everytime I get growth, they kill it so I keep moving them from tank to tank for isolation or more room. Nothing helps, so I set up a tank as close to their natural habitat but they won’t stop with the plants!!! I’ve given high quality omega one flakes, bug bites, fresh frozen flood worms, frozen mixture, and frozen daphnia. Help!! TIA!
  4. I'm fairly new to the hobby, making the mistakes of rookies everywhere and I made this one. I have a 55 gal with 2 juvenile discus, some various bottom dwellers (Corys, plecos, algae eaters), and 2 yoyo loaches. My discus were really shy so I wanted some tetras to make my discus less nervous. I went to petco because it's the only store within 2 hours of me, and got 10 Buenos Aires Tetras. I didn't know that they tend to nip on plants. I have bamboo plants, what I believe to be a krip of some variety (again petco) and java moss. I'm looking to add more plants and was wondering what ones might not get eaten by the Buenos Aires Tetras? Thank you in advance, Ben
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