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  1. Hello all, I got this juvenile angel 3 weeks ago from my local fish store. Starting about a week ago, I noticed that his/her poops were coming out long and stringy and staying connected for a long time. The poop is typically pale red-ish or brown-ish in color. I've read mixed diagnoses online ranging from parasite infection to constipation, but would love a second opinion (I am relatively new to the hobby). Other than the weird poop he/her has been acting normal and eating well. I do small feedings twice a day with Hikari micro pellets and Fluval bug bites (algae wafers for the bristlenose), and the occasional frozen bloodworm snack. I don't see any other visible signs of stress (sometimes his/her stripes fade when the light turns on/off or every once in a while throughout the day, but they're never gone for very long), all other fish are active and healthy. Water parameters have been consistent since I got him/her. Water parameters: Temp 79F | PH 7.5 | CL 0 | KH 50ppm | Ammonia 0 | Nitrite 0 | Nitrate 10 | GH 200-300 (I have very hard tap water) Tank: Top Fin 55 gallon | Tank Age 72 days | Filter Fluval 307 Stock: 9 Rummynose Tetra | 1 Scalare Angelfish | 1 Bristlenose Pleco Pictures attached. Unfortunately he/she is not the most photogenic, so I circled the stringy poop in photo 1 to make it easier to see lol. Any advice/tips are welcome, thank you for your help!
  2. I've had an established tank with 5 angelfish and other community fish for almost a year now, with only 1 casualty, until this. A few days ago a woke up to one of the angel fish dead in the center of tank. I thought maybe it just had something wrong internally and went about my day after testing the water and seeing just a slight ammonia rise. Today I got home from work, and its buddy who was always with it in the back also turned up... I retested everything. Everything was fine, nitrates are the only thing that seem a little high at 15-20. I tested the tap water also, tap tested at 10. I'm not sure why they both passed, but all the other fish seem to be doing fine. If anyone has any ideas on why they might have died, I'd be intrested in hearing your thoughts.
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