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Everything posted by SpacedCadette

  1. Mini update: Beginning to feel like I’m seeing some visual improvements to Lemon’s condition, so that’s good! (Lemon is what I’ve named the gourami and it was starting to feel too impersonal referring to her without using it, lol). Started her second round of KanaPlex today as well! I also bought a couple of silk plants to add some novelty to the hospital tank for her. Hopefully these makes her feel a little more comfortable and help further reduce any stress she may have. Video: https://imgur.com/P95xcx1
  2. I adore my pandas. They’re always so fun to watch. Mine seem a bit shy compared to some of the ones here! I’ve got 10 in my 40g and they’re almost always piled up on each other under my driftwood until mealtime. I’ve had them for a couple months now so maybe I just got a few with shy personalities. Either way! I still love their silliness.
  3. Hi folks! I’m new to the hobby and I’ve really fallen in love with it. I had been thinking of starting up a tank for almost a year before finally committing to it a couple months ago. Currently residing in Washington and have been fortunate to have Aquarium Co-op as my LFS! Everyone at the shop has really been a huge help and I definitely would not have felt as confident getting started without their wonderful assistance! I quickly scaled up from a 5g betta tank to a 40g breeder community tank once I got hooked, haha. I work in game dev, which is known to have a lot of issues with work burnout, and having this tank in my office while doing WFH has had a huge positive impact on my day-to-day. Being able to turn around when I need a distraction or mental reset and watch all these goofy little personalities interact with one another and enjoy an environment I’ve been able to create for them brings me tons of joy. Here is how my 40g is looking these days! I won’t be winning any aquascaping awards, but all the fish seem happy 😊 Currently, I have a Plakat Betta named Roman. Two Honey Gourami named Bea and Lemon. My Bristlenose Pleco, Peach! Bruce, a Panda Garra. As well as 10 Panda Cory, 9 Harlequin Rasbora, 6 Neon Green Tetra, and a couple Amano shrimp! I came to the forum when I needed help treating Lemon for an illness shortly after getting her and I’ve been really blown away at how willing everyone has been to share their knowledge and experience. My experience with the hobby has been so kind and welcoming and I’m so pleased to be here. ♥️
  4. Absolutely happy to have her either way! Appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge and take a look 🥰
  5. The HG with the dorsal fin deformity tends to hang out lower in the tank and is usually a bit on the shy side. They were listed as sunset honey gourami’s when I got them, in case that helps! I’ve had the dorsal fin gourami in the hospital tank since shortly after bringing them home. I spotted an issue shortly after the video was taken and moved her/him over. Hoping she/he recovers soon because I agree that the two of them are an adorable pair and I think Bea already misses them, lol The girl is named Bea and the other is Lemon ☺️
  6. Hi folks! I’m just curious if someone in this group might be able to help me confirm the sex of my two HG. I think they’re both female, which is what I’m hoping for, but this seems like the group to ask for confirmation! video: https://imgur.com/GfuP9kg
  7. No thoughts. Only swim. Lots of intense eye contact at meal time with this dude… Honey gourami look so goofy from the front.
  8. Good to know! This is my first time doing a treatment on one of my fish, so I appreciate all the knowledge sharing 🙂 I'll drop another update here in a week or so after I do a second round of the kanaplex.
  9. Thanks, Henry ♥️♥️♥️ She’s still eating well and active so I’ve got high hopes for her recovery. 🙂
  10. So it’s been a couple days and I’m still not seeing any real improvement yet. 🥺 I’ve currently got her in a 5g quarantine tank where I’m doing a salt treatment following this co-op guide: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish. I’ve got her on level 2 right now and it’s been about 2 days. I’ve also got some of the KanaPlex in there as well. I’m not sure what a reasonable timeline is to start seeing positive changes but I’m hopeful that I’ll see improvement soon. videos: https://imgur.com/nnanR2K https://imgur.com/46lwwjS
  11. Update: she’s had two days in the 5g quarantine tank by herself now. I can’t tell if it’s the lighting but I feel like she’s looking a little worse than she did a couple days ago. I feel like the white flakey spots are more prominent on her head now. Dosed some of the KanaPlex per@Colu ’s directions, but I don’t think she’s eaten any of it yet. Used the garlic additive to entice her and still couldn’t get her interested. Going to give it another shot tomorrow, maybe I’ll mix up a new batch with something really appealing like blood worms instead of the dry stuff. Still swimming and reacting normally. Bowel movements don’t seem unusual either. Tested the water and parameters look good. I really hope she recovers… She’s so quirky and goofy, I’ve grown pretty fond of her.
  12. She very well could be. 😔 I've got her separated for now. If she heals quickly that could be a sign that she's getting picked on. Especially if she heals up, goes back in the tank and this issue reoccurs- that'll definitely confirm it. And if that's the case, is it better to isolate her in her own tank or the other gourami?
  13. I was able to get some better pictures of her today now that she’s in the quarantine tank.
  14. @Henry the fish keeper, haha. She seems to be! Thanks for the advice, @Colu! I just placed an order for the KanaPlex and should have it by tomorrow morning. I moved her into a 5g quarantine tank last night to keep a better eye on her, so it should (hopefully) be easy to feed her the medication. I haven’t witnessed bullying between the two. They might chase each other a little bit around feeding time, but that’s all I’ve really seen. Admittedly, I’m rather new to fish keeping so there could be behavior happening that I’m not picking up on. The gouramis spend time together frequently and I don’t see this one avoiding the other or anything like that, though she is the more shy of the two.
  15. Hi folks. I recently acquired two honey gourami and while one is doing excellent, the other one seems to be having an issue that I can’t identify. She had a dorsal fin deformity when I got her and one gill seemed a little irritated, but it wasn’t concerning at the time. Behavior and appetite seem normal and she doesn’t appear to be getting picked on by anyone in the tank. However, her scales have been looking rough and I can’t pinpoint what’s going on. It has slowly progressed since I got her a couple of weeks ago. I tried treating with Prazi Pro early on and gave her a salt bath a couple nights ago, but haven’t seen any improvements. Tried my best to get decent photos of her, but she always hides when she spots my phone. 😩 Any advice is welcome. Parameters below: pH - 6.4 Nitrates - 0 Hardness - 25 Nitrite - 0 Ammonia - 0 KH/Buffer - 40 Water Temperature - 80F
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