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Everything posted by BETTA999

  1. lol i havent have duck weed problems because i cant even keep duck weed when i want 😅
  2. hi love to help but i never used a heater because i live in a tropical climate
  3. ok i will use pellets wen they start to eat em because when i give them pellets the y dont like it
  4. good just reduce the time of the ligth put it in 6 hr and thats all you dont need anithing more your welcome
  5. good now clean the tank crystal clean and put everythin do you have any ligth
  6. i have bred bettas my favorite are plakats an i got a foto of my fry
  7. well you can get 5 pandas corys and 2 otos
  8. kulli loaches is a no because they will deasapear i think the best are cory or otos the only thing is that cory dont eat a lot of alge
  9. try using a cup and the scud can go in any gravel dont worry
  10. remove it and see what happens!! and try the remodeling of the tank consider folloing me
  11. to his preference try redoing the tank take the betta out then the sponge filter put in a buket with water so you conserve the bacteria clean all the tank put some gravel and add some plants like valisneria or amazon sword that will sure boost his hapiness and the ones of your other fish that worked with one of my bettas clean all exept the sponge
  12. ok good we got the age out of the way now dont take it bad but your betta migth just be lazy
  13. hmmmm make sure you got exellent water cuality a check his body for any diasises PS how old is your betta ?
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