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Joe L.

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Posts posted by Joe L.

  1. On 1/25/2022 at 6:20 PM, Expectorating_Aubergine said:

    Yeah I've had aquatic turtles since I was 9 years old and have cared for turtles that my university had as part of their live collection, and I have never had a turtle get impacted from substrate. Does it happen, sure. However I think its really rare, especially when you consider where turtles live in the wild. This is always something I hear people worry about with herps/in herp groups. Impaction happens, but it is rare in my experience. Same goes for axolotyls and really any animal. They live in dirt, sand and what have you in the wild. They can handle it. 9 times out of 10 they spit it out, and the other times it just passes. While I recognize that people can do as they like with their animals, I don't think this is something to keep anyone up at night. I say use whatever substrate you like (barring things like broken glass and razor blades). Digging in substrate is a form of enrichment for turtles. Many species that feed on mollusks and crustaceans will dig for them. I used to stick treats for turtles in the substrate for them to dig out and find. Some species actually will burrow into the sand and hide. I've seen turtles take little underwater "sand baths". Anyways, didn't mean to get preachy. It's just that people being afraid of impaction and saying animals don't need substrate is a pet peeve of mine. I'll get off my soap box now.

    @Expectorating_Aubergine I am so sorry for spreading misinformation now that I have read this. I was not aware that impaction rarely happens. In that case, do you think I could use Eco-Complete on my turtle tank? I am tired of keeping my tank bare bottom for aesthetic reasons.

  2. On 1/25/2022 at 3:55 PM, Streetwise said:

    I am about to test a medium sponge pre-filter with the Aquarium Co-Op power head. This is a learning thread for aquarists helping turtles:


    @Streetwise  Thank you so much for the resource! I would love to see and hear how it goes on your turtle tank because I have been struggling with mine for a while now.

  3. Howdy! I saw this post and wanted to give my two cents on turtles. On the topic of subtrate, I have heard that sand has a risk of impaction, but I have also found it to be a nightmare to clean in turtle tanks. On the topic of plants, I would recommend trying out some floating plants because turtles have been knwon to uproot live plants and make a mess out of a perfect aquascape.

  4. Howdy! I recently saw the video on Cory's fish room, and ever since, I've been thinking about using sponge filters to run my 55 gallon that houses three sliders. I've mostly run sponge filters in my tanks with the exception of an internal filter in this tank, but it's a pain in the butt to get it cleaned. If @Cory could hop on here, do you think some sponge filters would work for my turtle tank?

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  5. On 11/28/2021 at 5:33 AM, WhitecloudDynasty said:

    After a few year, they like to eat more veggies over meat. So any fish will do, but turtle are dirty 

    @WhitecloudDynasty Well it looks like I'm going to have to wait a while before I try any fish with my turtles, who chase down any fish that enter their tank.

  6. On 11/27/2021 at 9:27 PM, WhitecloudDynasty said:

    It's just a 20l, in the winter time he comes back inside from his 300gallon stock tank.


    @WhitecloudDynasty Wow that sounds like a mansion for a red-eared slider! I currently don't have space for such a big enclosure, but I plan to keep my turtles outside in the future. Any ideas or suggestions about what fish might possibly be fine with them?

  7. On 11/27/2021 at 8:33 PM, Torrey said:

    I used to volunteer with the NC Museum of Natural History, and fostered YES, RES, alligator snappers, and a Russian Tortoise (briefly). My kids kept RES & YES, and in 2012 Karma (ornate ornata) claimed us.

    Turtles are fun🥰

    @Torrey Wow that sounds awesome! I would agree with you for the most part that turtles are fun, but I also wish that fish could be around in the same tank with them.

  8. On 11/27/2021 at 12:10 PM, Taco Playz said:

    I watched those videos and a few more and I decided I am going to make it a breeding tank. Is there anything you would recommend for me to get to breed them??

    @Taco Playz Hmm would get a coconut hut or two for them to breed in, since they are cave spawners. Other than that, condition them with lots of quality foods and you are good to go!

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  9. On 11/26/2021 at 9:43 PM, CalmedByFish said:

    🙂 I've never had a turtle, but I've heard they're super poopy. How big are yours?

    @CalmedByFish Ohh they are more than super poopy, they can create a swamp for you in a couple weeks! I currently have a red-eared slider called Pumpkin, and 2 yellow-bellied sliders called Lime and Lemon. Pumpkin is larger than my hand, but Lime and Lemon are smaller than the size of my palm.

    On 11/27/2021 at 2:15 AM, Flumpweesel said:

    I had a red necked terrapin when I was 8 till about 18. Lots of fun i wish the internet had been a thing then he'd probably have had a better life. But it loved to climb out its enclosure and roam the house (probably eating spiders) and would occasionally bite the dog who liked to lick it. (Not easy to remove from a dogs tongue(

    It also used to enjoy having its back scrubbed with a toothbrush and salt.

    They do have tons of personality. Welcome I'm sure you'll get lots of help and not just my random stories

    @Flumpweesel Haha wonder what happened to your turtle?

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  10. On 11/26/2021 at 9:14 PM, CalmedByFish said:

    Been there, done that! 😝 

    Welcome to the forum! Are turtles your favorite water critters?

    @CalmedByFish Haha you guessed it, turtles are my favorite water critters! Although it’s a bummer sometimes when my turtles make a mess of out their tank.

  11. On 11/26/2021 at 7:39 PM, Fish Folk said:

    Not really. My middle son would adore a turtle tank someday. But for now, I'm all in on fish! If I had limitless resources, I'd love to keep a Panther Chameleon...


    @Fish Folk Aww that’s a bummer! Although to be fair, turtles require a lot of room and commitment, but the panther chameleons look gorgeous.

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  12. Howdy! I'm a proud dad of three turtles, but I was wondering, are there any fellow turtle keepers here? I know that @Cory has some musks, and @Sol also has a diamondback terrapin along with her group of musks. I would love to hear how others keep their turtles!

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  13. Howdy! I'm a teenager from California who loves the fishkeeping hobby like many others on this forum. I currently have two tanks: a 55 gallon turtle tank with three sliders, and a 5.5 gallon desktop tank. Feel free to ask any questions!

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